Chapter One

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Hey! So I have been working on my second story and I have decided to take a risk and post it to see what people think! So here goes... Enjoy!

-Sophie's P.O.V-

"SOPHIE BUTLER GET OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW" I heard Ryan, my lovely (hence the sarcasm) brother shout from downstairs, his voice booming throughout the house. I love him and all but there are times where I would receive a satisfying amount of enjoyment by causing his face a little damage,  just like any other brother and sister relationship. 

I turned over to look at the time, it was 12.45pm. Okay maybe just maybe I get why he is angry. Being the annoying little sister by a year, I decided on not getting out of bed just yet. What's the worse he can do? I continued to lay in bed thinking about what I could possibly wear for tonight's party that one of the schools egotistical jocks are throwing when my thoughts were rudely interrupted by a now really angry Ryan. Uh oh...

"I'm going to give you two minutes to get your ass downstairs or you will regret not coming the first time" he yelled. Ha. Come at me bro, literally. I remained in my bed listening for any sign of Ryan charging up the stairs but instead I heard voices. It can't of been our parents because they went away on a business trip and Ryan wouldn't be talking to himself - well actually I wouldn't be surprised. Before I could manage to recognise the voices I heard Ryan running up the stairs.I guess I'm going to find out who is downstairs any minute now, I chuckled to myself. He came barging in my room panting. To say he was unimpressed was the understatement of the year.

"Morning bro" I laughed.

"You've been attempting to annoy me this whole time haven't you?" he asked looking slightly annoyed. Yup, it definitely worked. Sophie 1 : Ryan 0. 

"Yup" I simply stated, popping the 'p' while nodding my head. He threw the bed sheets of me revealing my vest top and pyjama shorts, he picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and headed downstairs. I'm not going complain personally, at least I don't have to walk.

When we entered the kitchen and saw Chaz, Sydney and Grace sitting and laughing. They must have been waiting for me. Sydney and Grace are my best friends, Sydney has long brown hair which falls down her back in the most beautiful natural curls while Grace has long blonde hair which had a slight wave to it like mine, which she really suits. They are both so damn pretty. Chaz was also one of my best friends, he is Ryan's too along with Justin Bieber. We are all really close however I wasn't exactly keen on Justin to put it bluntly. Anyway..

"SYDNEY!, CHAZZY!, GRACIE! I hollered, still dangling over Ryan's shoulder. They all laughed.

"Ryannnnnn why didn't you tell me they were here?" I whined, pouting.

"You should of came down when I asked you the first time" he argued back. "Now this is what you get for not listening to me and not getting your lazy ass out of bed when I ask you" he laughed while heading outside towards the pool. Oh no.. he wouldn't?!

"RYAN BUTLER PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW AND NOBODY GETS HURT" I screamed. It was no use, he just kept walking closer and closer to the pool. He was just about to loosen his grip on me when the door bell rang.

"SAVED BY THE BELL. THANK YOU LORD" I shouted making everyone inside laugh.

"I'll get it" Chaz said, laughing his head of. He so did that on purpose. That boy is gonna get an ass kicking!

"I HATE YOU CHAZ" I yelled. 

"AYE BRO, ITS GREAT TO SEE YOU" Chaz hollered. I heard the front door close, I wonder who was there. Before I could think any further I unexpectedly felt my body being dropped and hitting cold water with force. I swam my way to the surface, gasping for air. I climbed out of the pool and stomped my way inside after Ryan. I walked into the kitchen to be met by laughing. Chaz especially who couldn't seem to control his laughter.

"Oh you think its funny do you Chaz? And also answering the door so Ryan didn't have to" I asked, my voice a little intimidating. He shook his head reluctantly, obviously thinking I was being serious.

"Too bad" I chuckled before giving him a big bone crushing hug. I pulled away and laughed at a now soaking wet Chaz who looked disgusted by his newly wet clothes.

"Where's Ryan?" I asked. They all pointed to the living room. I walked in the living room to see Ryan on the sofa playing Call Of Duty, his eyes fixed onto the screen like they had frozen into place. I crept over to him and tackled him on the sofa. I was straddling his waist as he lay down. I tickled him as much as I possibly could.

 "S-sophie s-s-top" he laughed. I continued to tickle him, god this boy was way too ticklish.

"Sophie I mean it, you're soaking" he whined while attempting to push me away. I must admit, I was pretty strong for a girl.

"I will get off you if you say, 'Sophie, you are the best sister in the world and I love you so much that I will let you borrow my car to go out shopping" I tried bargaining, throwing him my best Innocent smile.

"WHAT?! No way. You're not going anywhere near my baby. Last time you almost crashed it" He yelled, wrong answer buddy! I began to tickle him again. 

"FINE!" he shouted between laughs. "Sophie, you are the best sister in the world and I love you so much  that I will let you borrow my car to go out shopping" he finally said pushing me off him.

"Bro that seriously wasn't cool. You just got owned by your sister" a voice said. I snapped my head around, same with Ryan to see Justin standing there clearly amused by what had just happened.

"Justin bro!" Ryan exclaimed running up to him, giving him a bro hug then doing their handshake while I sat on the sofa slightly awkward.

"What happened her dude" Justin asked motioning his head towards me. Ryan turned around and chuckled. 

"She wouldn't get out of bed so I threw her in the pool" Ryan said giving me a smirk. By now Justin laughed before engaging into further conversation with Ryan.

"CHAZ" I screamed. Chaz walked in the living room looking like a drowned rat.

"Yeah?" He asked. Before I could speak Justin beat me to it. This boy just has a habit of interrupting things.

"Dude you as well?" he asked Chaz laughing with Ryan.

"No I was laughing at her and she came and hugged me" he frowned. "Ry can I borrow some clothes as these are wet through" he said tugging at his wet clothes then sending me a deathly glare.

"Yeah go help yourself" Ryan answered. Chaz walked out of the room and walked upstairs. Ryan sat down next to me on the sofa and picked up the controller to resume his game. I looked at Justin who was still standing in the door way looking me up and down. Who does this boy think he is.

"Will you quit looking at me like that?" I hissed at him. He snickered.

"Sophie your shirt is now see through and I'm a 18 year old boy. You can't expect to sit there and not have me stare" he smirked. WHAT?! Thiscan't be happening. I looked down at my shirt to see it is in fact see through. How embarrassing. I felt my cheeks heat up, they were obviously a slight shade of red.

"Oh my god" I screeched. The boys laughed. I brought my knees up to my chest in an attempt to cover myself up.

"Dude, why have I only just realised your sister is quite hot" Justin asked Ryan with a smirk on his face.

"Eww c'mon man. I don't look at my sister in that way bro. That's just wrong" Ryan said sounding disgusted.

"I am here you know. I can hear you" I stated the obvious. Justin just shrugged.

"This is going to be one long summer" I mumbled as I walked past Justin, banging his shoulder as I did so.


It was a bit of a short and boring chapter I know but there is plenty more to come!

Please comment to let me know what you think and whether you would like me to carry this story on! :)

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