Chapter 2

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Okay, so I decided to post another chapter following some positve comments about the first chapter!


-Justin's P.O.V-

Why didn't I realize that Sophie had gotten so hot?  Since last summer and she is like a totally different person, not even kidding. She is now a confident, popular, wild and a not forgetting an extremely hot girl. Hopefully this new Sophie will make my summer that little bit more interesting ;)

-Sophie's P.O.V-

After taking a shower I walked over to closet, rummaging for something to wear. I pulled various items out examining them before flinging them over my shoulder causing them to land all over the place. I continued to look. Ew no too pink, too small, that's gross, don't like that... BINGO. I finally found an outfit. I picked out some rather short shorts and a crop top which revealed half of my stomach. So what? Its hot outside. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where Ryan, Chaz and Justin were sitting at the table discussing a party they were going to hold. I'm guessing Sydney and Grace had to leave. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water before closing it after me and sitting on the kitchen counter. I looked to see Justin and Chaz sat there with there mouths dropped, staring at me.

"Do I look that bad?" I frowned looking down at my outfit.

"Quite the opposite" Chaz mumbled still not taking his eyes of me. He is a really close friend but he is still really pervy, it is actually creepy at times.

"Sophie, go upstairs and get changed now" Ryan ordered slapping Justin and Chaz around the back of their heads making them snap out of their gazes.

"No I'm not going getting changed. Mum and Dad may of left you in charge but that doesn't mean you choose what I wear" I snapped.

"Sophie, I'm currently sat here with my best friends who are staring at you. Its uncomfortable and it makes me want to punch them. If they are staring then other boys will so please go and change" Ryan explained. He is always over protective off me and I  love him for caring about me but it gets a little bit annoying.

"But Ryan..." I whined. "I'm sure other girls look at you when your at a pool party or at the beach when you have your top off" I argued, pretty lame I know but hey, I tried. He sighed.

"That's different Sophie" He argued back. 

"Bullshit, its not one bit different. Random hoes are always pushing themselves onto you and don't you dare deny it because you know I'm right" I stated. Chaz and Justin chuckled.

"Fine go out dressed like that but don't come running to me when you get raped, because I warned you" Ryan raised his voice at me. My mouth fell open slightly with shock. I opened my water bottle and poured it over his head, throwing the bottle on the floor after me.

"You're such an asshole Ryan. I'm going shopping and don't worry if I don't come back because I'm probably getting raped because I'm dressed like the slut I am? Right? Because that's what you obviously think of me" I spat, tears gathering at the brims of my eyes.

"Sophie I'm sorry" Ryan muttered with an apologetic look on his face, evidently feeling guilty about his outburst.

"No Ryan don't apologize. I get it. I'm taking your car and Chaz you're coming with me since I might get raped so I will obviously need a body guard" I said while pulling Chaz out of his seat and taking Ryan's car keys from the counter. Without looking back or saying another war I stormed out of the house and slammed the door behind me. We got in the car and I drove to the nearest mall.

"You really shouldn't be so harsh on Ryan. He is only trying to look out for you Soph" Chaz stated placing a hand on my shoulder. I placed my hand on top of his, rubbing it in a soothing way. Our friendship is cute at times.

"I know but at times he can be a little too protective" I sighed. 

"We all care about you Sophie. I know we don't always show it, but honestly we really do care" he smiled. I giggled a bit. Chaz looked down and hid his face.

"Somebody is a little embarrassed" I teased him. "And thanks for caring. I'm sure you and Ryan care and you're right, you don't always show it but you're boys so I will let you off" I chuckled.

"Justin cares too you know.." He muttered raising his head.

"Haha I doubt that. He treats me awfully. Last summer he was a complete jerk. Sometimes I wish we were friends like we was when we were younger but things change. Now he only ever talks to me when he has to or to flirt with me and he only ever acknowledges me when I'm wearing clothing like this" I pulled at my clothes and let out a sigh, so did Chaz.  He knew I was right and I could tell it bothered him. I parked in the car park and we both jumped out of the car and walked towards the mall.

"You miss him don't you?" Chaz asked me putting his arm around me pulling me into his chest.

"Truthfully, at times i do. I miss the times where we would pull pranks on each other or the fact that he would always go easy on me when we played basketball. I miss how he would always be there for me if i was upset. But most of all I miss calling him my best friend" I mumbled into his chest letting a few tears fall before quickly wiping them hoping Chaz wouldn't notice.

"Maybe you could make friends?" Chaz suggested. I looked down and ran a hand through my blonde knotty hair. I scoffed.

"I don't know. We haven't been friends for 4 years. Since that bet when we were younger I have lost any bit of trust I ever had for him. He is such an asshole now. Maybe we're not supposed to be friends, anyway are we going to shop or stand here and have a heart to heart" I laughed as we reached the mall entrance. 

I bet you're all thinking what bet?? Well when i was 13 and Justin was 14 , he got dared to make me fall in love with him for a joke. And obviously I did fall in love with him and when I  found out it was a joke my heart got shattered and since then we have never really got along. I know I was only 13 but it still hurt.

"Sophie, Chaz" I heard a voice shout. I turned on my heels to see Ryan and Justin catching up with us. Oh god, just what I need after that heart to heart with Chaz.

"Hey bro, what you doing here?" Chaz asked.

"Well Sophie here left in such a rush that she didn't even take her credit card" Ryan laughed causing the boys to laugh with him. I looked down at my feet embarrassed.

"My bad.. now since you came here to give me my baby, where is it" I pleaded for my card. The boys irrupted in laughter once again.

"I didn't bring it" Ryan stated. WHAT?! My eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" I screeched.

"Chill out. I brought mine instead. I thought I needed to make it up to you for being a jerk earlier" My face lit up as hugged Ryan.

"Love you bro" I said while dragging him into the mall. Our fights never really did last long.

A few hours and millions off shopping bags later..

We all gathered in the living room after I got changed. Maybe Ryan was right about getting changed the first time but I never will I ever admit it to him. Everywhere we went I got whistled at and I could tell the boys were getting very on edge about it. We all decided to watch a film. The boys wanted to watch Paranormal Activity, oh boy how I hate scary films. Ryan put the film on and came and sat next to me. Half way through the film I found myself on Ryan's lap with my head buried into his chest clinging on to his shirt for dear life. I occasionally popped my head up to see Justin looking directly at me. What is it with that boy lately?


So there is chapter 2!!! Once this story reaches 20 votes, I will upload another chapter! :)

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