Chapter Three

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This is just a filler chapter :')

-Sophie's P.O.V-

I was just about to open my eyes when I heard talking. My head was in someones lap  while I lay on the sofa.  We were watching Paranormal activity last night therefore everyone must of fell asleep downstairs. Without opening my eyes I shuffled to get comfortable before slightly shivering due to a breeze passing my way.

"Oi Chaz pass me your blanket" Ryan asked. I heard Chaz sigh.

"Why? Go and get one from upstairs lazy ass" Chaz groaned stubbornly in his groggy morning voice.

"Because if you haven't noticed Sophie is currently asleep on me and im not waking her up. Its 9.15am. She would kill me". Ryan said moving some hair out of my face. Thank god that hair was annoying me. His hand touched my cheek before whipping it away again. I can't blame him, im freezing. I shivered once again.

"She is shivering like crazy, stop being a douche" Justin tried persuading him. Since when the fuck does he care, pardon my french.

"Chaz, just give me the blanket, she is absolutely freezing" Ryan whispered getting frustrated with him.

"But then I will get cold" Chaz whined. I can just imagine him pouting like a young child. Typical Chaz.

"Fucking hell. You're such a baby. Here she can have mine" Justin mumbled. I heard him get up and put the blanket over me before going back to sit now. I smiled before snuggling into the blanket.

"She just smiled in her sleep? Something tells me she knew you just gave her your blanket" Chaz teased. Justin scoffed.

"Dude, seriously. We all know Soph's a heavy sleeper. She would never have known I gave  her  the blanket" Justin stated. Without thinking, I smiled again at how he remembered how much of a heavy sleeper I was.

"See she smiled again" Chaz whisper shouted in attempt to prove his point. Justin chuckled.

"Maybe she is dreaming about you" Justin teased.

"I wish" Chaz sighed. See, creepy right?! "Maybe she is dreaming about you huh?!" Chaz shot back.

"Seriously guys. You discussing my sister dreaming about you both?" Ryan hissed picking up a cushion, throwing it at Chaz im guessing from what I heard.

"Dude, you can't say that. She is one of your best friends. Its wrong" Justin said to Chaz in a disgusted voice.

"Justin bro, chill out I was joking. She is super hot though. You're just jealous because she might be dreaming about me" Chaz laughed.

"I'm not jealous trust me. Maybe she is dreaming about you. Go say something to her" Justin said in a daring type voice. Oh god. This can't be good. I heard Chaz get up and kneel down beside me.

"She is going to kill you both if she finds out. I hope to god she is still a heavy sleeper" Ryan warned them both.

"She hates me anyway so nothing I do could possibly make it any worse" Justin laughed.  "And come on Ryan, this is Sophie we are talking about. Sleeping is her best friend" Justin chuckled.

"She doesn't hate you Justin" Chaz stated. I don't like where he is going with this...

"How would you know?" Justin questioned. "Has she said something?" 

"Never mind. We're really close okay. I know these things. Anyway what should I do to her?" Chaz changed the subject.

"I don't know. Be romantic to her?" Justin suggested. I felt Chaz's hand caress my cheek softly. I moved my arm a slight bit and pinched Ryan as hard as I could. He jumped up. 

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