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It only started with a Memory
A Memory became a Legend
And Legend became Myth

A story that every teenagers laugh at
A story that every elders believe
A story that every little kids gets nightmares from

Ever since the elders believe and the kids are feared
Teenagers are the targets to learn their lessons
The problem is... it's random

In a mysterious Academy of a special school for every students who needs lessons to mark inside their head
A place where they're not just learning local things, but in every lecture, there are a lot of puzzle to piece together

A wall called Wall of Screechers, where everything seems to disappear
Members of the mysterious Academy that seems to hide beneath their masks
A group of chosen students who will be trapped inside it

One by one, they will disappear and comes back differently...
Each by each will know the truth behind those walls...
Every single one of them are all boxed in a place where everything seems to be locked by up by the myth...
Or is it really a myth? Or something else?

Can they escape the prison they are in?
Can they discover the mystery and puzzles?

The chains are in the story's hand...
Are you the next one to be one of IT'S fingers?

CHAINS OF DEATHWhere stories live. Discover now