Chapter 4.

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Hey, sorry I haven't been updating, I just kind of lost motivation for this book. Anyways, this chapter will contain some more "action" so if you are offended by that stuff then go.

I woke up, slightly disoriented and practically on top of J. Opening my eyes, I saw his head tilted back and felt his grip on me. Actually, I was on top of J, curled into a ball. I laid my head back against his chest and was going to try to roll off of him when his grip tightened and he pulled me closer, mumbling something along the lines of "NoIsmconfy" all while still sleeping.
"J, wake up!" I said in a soft voice while trying to pry myself out of his arms.

He opened his eyes, looked at me, smiled, and then closed them again.

"J, come on. Wake up!" I said louder, shaking his head.

He jumped up with a start.
"Shit what time is it?" He asked urgently, looking for a clock.


He grabbed his phone and dialed a number. I looked away, respecting his privacy.

"Hey mom, I know I am late but Bryan and I have this project that will take a while to work on still. Is it okay if I spend the night here?" He asked his mom.

I smirked and looked at him, and he was grinning at me.

"Okay, thanks. I'll be home tomorrow after school." And he hung up.

"Oh is it okay if I stay the night? Can't really go home now."

I laughed. "Of course, I kind if assumed that."

I got up and started to walk o the kitchen. I was not going to let him hear my stomach. I hadn't ate since breakfast, and I was starving. Throwing some top ramen on the stove, I leaned against the counter and felt his presence next to me.

"You are a great cuddler by the way"
I looked over and blushed.

"Thanks" I mumbled, looking down at my shoes. He takes a step towards me and lifts my chin towards him.

"There is no need to be embarrassed, I'm saying it honestly. I want to cuddle all the time with you now."

I smile and turn towards him.
"Oh really now?" I ask.
Was I flirting with him?

He shook his head.
"You are going to be the death of me" He answered jokingly.

I hopped up on the counter and the water was still not boiling. So I continued to sit there, talking to him.
I admired his features. He had blue eyes, and long lashes that brushed his cheeks every time he blinked. His cheekbones were high, and he had a strong jawline. He had full lips, and the bottom one was slightly fuller than the top, making the lip ring look even sexier. His nose was straight and ended at an adorable point.

"You are going to have to stop looking at me like that" He said.

I blushed.
"Like what?"

"Stop checking me out" He replied with a smirk.

By now, my face was redder than the tomatoes in the fridge. I looked down at the floor, then back to the water, and was trying to distract myself.
I heard the floor squeak.

"You know, if you wanted to look at me you could have just asked"

I laughed and met his eyes.
Oh shit, he was serious.
His eyes held a lust-filled gaze, and they traveled down to my lips once more.
He stepped closer.

His hips were between my legs that were dangling off the counter, and he was still taller than me.
Looking at him, I blushed and smiled then blushed some more.

"Why are you blushing?" He breathed against my neck. I shivered. Wrapping one arm around my lower back, he pulled me closer so I was almost falling off the counter, making me wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso.

He pulled me completely off the counter, and with one arm supported me and the other turned off the stove.
Well, there goes my food.

He sat on the couch, me still on him. I sat back, almost to his knees when he leaned forwards, making me slide back down. He sat up again and smirked.

"You know, I will always get my way" He said into my neck.

He placed a small kiss on my neck, and another on my jaw, and one on my cheek.

I started to open my mouth to protest when he kissed me there.
It was soft and sweet, yet at the same time hard and he pulled me closer, which made me let out a small moan.
His hand moved to my hip, and I parted my lips and he took advantage of that. Deepening the kiss, his hands gripped my waist and I moved mine to his chest.
Oh, fuck. He had muscles.

Our lips moved together and he was playing with the top of my leggings.
I let out a gasp when he slipped a hand and rested it on my ass. He smiled and suddenly stopped, picked me up and moved me off of him.

"I'm going to uh, I'll be in a cold shower" He said awkwardly.

I stared at him.
He walked off, and I heard the bathroom door shut.

Uh yeah sorry for not updating I've been not motivated and busy lately.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2015 ⏰

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