Prologue - Year 2052

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"Ha Ha Ha!!" yelled Michael

"Hey Stop Screaming and Laughing at the same time." I replied

"Make me!"

"Oh I will!"

2 Hours Later..

Attention Citizens! We're in a Buzz of a Accident. Scientists has disovered a Bio-Tech that can Involve Some...Erm..Ugh...."Accidents". So don't get close to any area within the Scientific Range of Dylana Corp. Schools will be Shut down for 4-5 days to Test and Make sure Kids don't get this Bio-Tech. Work will be shut down For 2-3 days for Establishment.


"Huh? What's a Bio-Tech" asked Michael

"A Bio-Tech is a Technology based on Living Organisms to make something Useful. But they said it was in a Accident" replied Myles

"I lost you at Bio" giggled Michael

"Dinner Time!" Yelled Myles' mom.

"Come on..Dinner time" said Michael

2 Weeks Later

"Because you Know I'm all about that bass, about that bass, No Trouble!" Sang Michael

"Ew, that song is soo old, Older than Grandma" chuckled Myles

"Shh..the Radio" whispered Myles' mom

Hello Fellow Citizens! It's me Again..The Mayor. We told you 2 weeks ago about a Bio-Tech..We Got Rid of it!


"Well that's good News" said Myles' Dad

"I don't even know what it is But Hurray!" Cheered Michael

7 Hours Later..

Hello Citizens! We told you about the Extermination...We actually made the Tech worst. The Bio-Organism attacked a Scientist within a 8 inch range. It was seem Peaceful. Until it turned Scientist Bryan a..."Molecular Zombie" we are trying to Get rid of it as soon as We can. But if we can't. Evacuate this City..or Prepare for a Apocalypse. And God Bless the Bryan Family, Have Scientist Bryan Rest in Peace.


"Did you hear that!?" panicked Myles'

"It seems that Zombies are gonna take over the World! I knew this day would happen! It said on Walking Dead!" said Michael

"Yeah, Michael, it's a TV show ding dong" muffled Myles'

"Oh Shut up!" screamed Michael

3 weeks Later..

Uhm..Hello? This is..a..Update on the Bio-Tech as it seem. I'm hiding in the closet to hide from the Zombies.
It is True. Apocalypse are Rising..I didn't know this Day will Happen..GO HELP YOURSELF! SURVIVE! MAKE HUMANITY STILL LIVE! It's all your Choice. LEAVE OR SURVIVE! It's all I can Ask! They're coming into the Closet! Warning!! THEY ARE VERY SMART!


"Oh no! It's getting Worse! Warn Mom and Dad about this! We need to Get out of Here! Panicked Myles

Michael checked all around the House, but, found a Note in the Bathroom.

"Dear Myles and Michael, we can't take the Pressure of all this Non sense. Me and Dad went off to Gigantica Cliff, as we say our Goodbyes, I love you Michael and Myles. We will be in the Skies. We reccomend you Joining us. We will fall of the 34 meter cliff to fall to our Death. I'm sorry it had End this Way. We can't die Right in front of you" Sincerely, Mom

Michael fell to the floor, and started crying. He Sobbed and Screamed.

Myles ran up stairs to see what's up

"Michael!? What's Wrong!"

Michael gives the Note to Myles. Myles' reads it.

"No..No! This is Bullshit! Why Would they do it! They could've died with Us, or We could've Drove somewhere safe. Our Parents are Dumb Asses!

Myles put the note in his Pocket, as Myles sit down with Michael.

"Michael, it will be Okay. We'll survive."

*Note* The Full Book will release March 2, 2015. So Sit Tight! ~ BluCryptic

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