no date mama!

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none that I can think of
Sorry if it's short tho

You don't want your mama to go on a date.

your name is Matilda or y/n and you are 10


I love my mama so much, she is literally my world, most kids my age don't want anything to do with their parents but that's not the case with me, I always want to be with my mom. It's always just been me and her, I mean obviously we live with the avengers but mama doesn't have a boyfriend and I'd like to keep it that way, that was until this morning when I went into mamas bedroom for morning cuddles and while we were cuddling she told me the worst news ever. She was going on a DATE.

Obviously I didn't take this to well which leads us to now me clinging to mamas leg as she try's to get ready for her stupid date and she hasn't even told me who it is!!!

"Tilda, I love you детка but you need to let go of me," (baby) mommy says to me trying to pry me off her. "Нет мама!" (No mama) I cry clinging onto her tighter. "I know you don't want me to go on this date but I promise you I'm not replacing you and no one will ever be able to replace my little princess," she tells me as she manages to get me off her leg.

"You haven't even told me who this man is," I say and hear her sigh. "Umm well детка, mama has something to tell you..." (baby) mama replies. "What?" I respond confused. "Um well, mamas going on a date with a girl," she tells me, I don't respond because I'm a bit confused because I was never told anything about to girls going on dates together. "I'm a lesbian, детка," mamas adds. "What's that?" I ask. "Um well when two girls love each other lots and want to date each other they are lesbians and for me I only love girls and don't want to date a man," mamas explains. "Is that why I saw you kissing that girl the other day?" I ask her to which she goes bright red. "You should've been in bed," she responds changing the subject.

"Am I lesbian?" I ask mommy which makes her laugh. "Um well you could be but you're too young to be even thinking about dating little miss," she replies kissing my head. "Who is the girl you love mama?" I ask her. "Maria Hill, you know her baby, she's been mommys friend for ages and she's friends and works for grandpa nick," she tells me. "Oh," I reply.
(Just realised how many times I've started nats replies with "um well")

"I still don't want you going on a date mama," I tell her sternly. "Well I'm sorry my little princess, I am," she replies kissing my head and she stands up grabbing her purse. "You do look really pretty though," I say to her as she was starting walking downstairs, she was wearing a tight black dress and has her hair in her natural curls.

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