Chapter 24

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Before they all knew it the semester was coming to an end. Everyone had finished their finals and they were at the graduation ceremony. Melody was overflowing with pride watching Landon walk across the stage. Her parents were smiling and clapping next to her. When it was over she ran and gave him a huge hug. She was going to miss him and she laughed when she thought about how she almost didn’t come here because he was here. They went to dinner with their parents and Scarlett and her family. After Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell left, they all got ready for a party. 

It was the last party of the semester and usually one of the biggest. Melody wore a little black dress that had Riley drooling the moment he saw her. As their group walked down the street he had to put the whole group between the two of them to keep his hands to himself. Melody was dancing with Zoe and Scarlett when she noticed a certain handsome figure go outside. She smiled remembering one of their first parties together. She told the girls she was going to go get a drink. She quietly snuck out the back door. She found him sitting by himself just getting off his phone. She was feeling bold. She sat on his lap, his arms instantly wrapped around her waist. 

“Well hello there.” He smirked at her. 

“I’ve needed to do this since I saw’re looking extra yummy know for a nerd.”

She smashed her lips onto his before he could comment. She ran her fingers through his hair. It was a deep and emotional kiss. When they pulled away Melody was oddly holding back tears. 

“What’s wrong My Sweets?”

“I’m going to miss this. What am I going to do all summer without you?”

He let out a light laugh and hugged her.

“I know what you mean. I’ve grown quite addicted to you these past, what, ten months. But I’ll be here most of the summer taking classes and doing summer training. So we won’t be too far apart. And you can come visit me whenever.”

“I guess that's true.”

He hugged her tight. Then he kissed her. He rubbed her back and tried to show her through his touch that everything would be ok. 


They froze as they heard someone clear their throat. They looked up and found Scarlett smirking, holding back a laugh. But it was the person who was holding her hand that held their attention. Landon was staring at them, silent. Scarlett pulled his arm to go back inside. Without a word he followed her. Melody hopped off of Riley’s lap and just stared at the spot where her brother was just standing, frozen in shock.

“Shit.” Riley finally broke the silence, rubbing the back of his neck. 

They didn’t know what to do. He looked at Melody and she looked like she was almost in tears again. 

“I should go talk to him.” Riley said.

“No, I should.”

They walked back inside but didn’t see Landon or Scarlett. Melody asked Zoe if she had seen them. She hadn’t seen them since Landon stole Scarlett away from the dance floor. 

“They probably found a room to sneak off to.”

Melody knew that they had found a place to sneak off to but it had been occupied...with his little sister and his best friend. Melody’s stomach turned just thinking about it. Riley and Melody decided to split up and look for him. Melody had looked through the main party areas before giving up and sitting on the front porch. She knew they must have left. She put her head in her hands and finally let the tears fall. She felt someone sit down next to her. They wrapped an arm around her and she looked up at them surprised. She could tell it wasn’t Riley but was surprised and relieved to be looking up into Landon’s face. 

“What’s wrong M&M?”

“I’ve been looking for you...I needed to explain...I’m sorry…”

She was rambling. He just smiled at her.

“Mel it’s ok.”


“I mean it was insane seeing you two together like that...but I’ve kind of known for a while.”


He laughed at her face.

“I have eyes and I’m not stupid. You might be a little better at hiding it from me but I can see the way he looks at you.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I...we...thought you would be mad. We didn’t want to sneak around but I also didn’t want you to kill him...we didn’t plan it...we actually met online before you brought him home for break.”

“Wait so you're his cyber chick?” 

Landon laughed. Melody looked at him and she couldn’t believe how well he was taking things. 

“That explains a lot more. It was more obvious during the holidays when both of you were acting very differently. He was drinking a lot and dropping passes left and right. You seemed hollow and depressed. Neither one of you wanted to hang out around each other.”

Melody shivered thinking about that empty feeling. 

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“I was waiting for you to tell me. I was upset at first not because you were seeing each other but because you didn’t tell me and in some cases lied to me about it.”

Melody dropped her head, guilty. She looked up at him.

“So you’re ok with me dating Riley?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? Is it weird seeing you two together...yes. But Paxton is my best friend, we’ve lived together for the past three years, and I know him better than most people. He is an honest person who never brought women around like most of our teammates...myself included at some points. It’s actually relieving because I know there will be someone here to watch out for you now that I’ve graduated.”

Melody couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. She wrapped her arms around her brother and hugged him. 

“God, Landon, if I knew it was going to be this easy I would have told you ages ago.”

“If you hurt her I will kill you...that still stands.”

Melody looked up to see Riley leaning on the door frame watching them. He pushed off the frame and walked towards them.

“I wouldn’t dream of hurting My Sweets.”


Melody blushed while Riley laughed.

“Let’s just say it’s a play off your M&M nickname.” Riley smirked.

“Yeah I don’t think I’ll be able to call you that anymore now.”

Landon and Melody stood up. Riley wrapped his arm around Melody’s shoulder and put a kiss on top of her head. 

“I might be ok with all this but I won’t lie it's weird seeing you two together. Seeing you so happy, Mel, is more important than any stupid bro-code or whatever you want to call it. Like I said earlier it’s probably because I know him so well and know what a great guy he is that makes it easier to accept you guys. Now before Mel starts crying again, I’m going to go find Scar and maybe finish what I had planned before finding you two making out.”

Landon walked back inside. Melody laid her head on Riley’s chest and he hugged her tighter. 

“I think I’m ready to leave. I’m all cried out and just want to cuddle.”

“Ok, I’ll text Zoe and Landon to let them know we are leaving.”

It had been a long day full of a lot of emotions. 

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