Chapter 32

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Riley sat waiting. He rubbed his neck and looked up at the ceiling. How could he be in this situation again. They wouldn’t let him go back with Melody and he wasn’t happy. He knew how nervous she was and just wanted to be there with her. How long did it take? He felt like he had been waiting forever. Everytime the door to the back exam rooms opened he had a mini heart attack. Finally she walked out. His palms were sweating, he rubbed them on his jeans before rushing over to her. He wrapped her up in his arms and kissed the top of her head. He reminded himself no matter what he loved this woman. He pulled away and looked at her face. She was smiling up at him. It made his chest tighten but what did it mean?


Her smile grew and she wrapped her arms around him.

“I’m not pregnant! Don’t know why I haven’t started yet but doc said probably due to stress. I have to come back next month for a check up.”

He picked her up and spun around. Words couldn’t convey the happiness and relief he felt. 

“Are you good to go?”


He grabbed her hand and they left the clinic. When they got home Riley made some popcorn and set things up for a movie. They had classes and practice later but for now he wanted to just hold his sweets. 


Melody laid on Riley’s chest listening to him breathe. She had so many emotions swirling through her. She was relieved. She had been so scared. She felt excited to start her new classes, something she had been dreading with everything going on. But to her surprise she also felt sad. She hadn’t realized it at the time but she had grown to like the idea of having a baby with Riley. She had pictured a future with Riley that she had never before envisioned. She turned to look up at him. She moved up to kiss him. She almost moaned just from the touch of his lips. As the kiss deepened she felt his hand move up her back to her hair. His touch was like fire to her skin. It burned in such a delicious way she never wanted him to stop touching her. She let her tongue run across his lips. She expected him to part his lips but instead he ended the kiss. He looked down at her and smiled before getting up.

“I’ve got to get to practice and you have a class in less than a half hour.”

She watched him gather his gym bag and head towards the door. Before he left he walked back to her and gave her a big kiss. 

“How about a date tomorrow night?”

She smiled real big and said yes. He kissed her one more time before hurrying out the door. 

After class Melody met up with Zoe for an early dinner. It was time to tell Zoe what had been going on. She watched the roller coaster of emotions from excitement about Melody and Riley hooking up to the shock of the late period to the relief and worry on her face now that she knew about the test results. However she didn’t tell her about Riley’s past history. Melody was happy to spend time with Zoe. She needed it. They were deep in conversation when someone walked up to their table. Melody looked up and smiled at Patrick.

“Glad to see you are doing better today.”

“Yeah, thanks again for giving me the time off.”

“No problem, you ladies have a nice evening. See ya later.”

The two girls stared as he gave them a sexy smile and walked out the door. 

“Damn Mel, your boss is a wet dream. I think I need a job.”

Melody rolled her eyes. 

“Need a job...your daddy pays for everything. Why would you need a job?”

“So I can have a sexy boss to tell me what to do.”

Melody smacked Zoe’s arm and they laughed. 


Melody was excited. It was Saturday and Zoe and Willow were at her house getting ready to go to the first big party of the school year. She had planned to spend the weekend with Riley but he had agreed they should go. They should celebrate and get back to normal life is what he had told her. Willow had been a little disappointed it wouldn’t be a girls night but was still excited to go out with everyone. Like normal Melody found herself on the dance floor with Zoe and now Willow. She was excited to have Riley dancing with her. His hands were on her hips as she swayed them back and forth. She could feel the glares and stares but she didn't care. It was still a strange experience being at the parties with Riley. 

Riley needed a break from Melody’s teasing hips. He headed to get drinks for everyone. When he entered the kitchen he was reminded of the events of last year’s party. He grabbed a couple water bottles and drinks. He found himself standing there watching Melody and her friends. He loved seeing her relaxed and having fun. A glance around the room and he noticed he wasn't the only one watching them. He walked back to the girls and handed them each a drink. Zoe and Willow were drunk. Zoe gave him a hug and Riley was regretting giving her another drink. He wrapped his arms around Melody’s waist and kissed her just below the ear. He looked back to see if they were still being watched. Riley made eye contact with Melody’s boss and tried to decipher the look he had on his face before walking out of the room. A strange feeling creeped into him...jealousy?

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