I hate how much i love you

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Since the aid car accident Andy and Sullivan became close friends she tried reconnect ing his with his best friend Lucas Ripley and they hung out loads. They hadn't seen before but they started having feeling for each other helping with the wild fire in L.A. They had there second best death experiences when they had to jump into a pool so they didn't get burnt alive.
Managing to accomplish so of the fire they got back home.

The pool was our second near death experience he told her and I want to tell you something Robert start the conversation after an awkward silence between them. Andy told him she wanted to say something as well but she let Robert speak first.
What....What do you want he asked her hoping she would say the same as him. She didn't say anything just through her arms around him and start kissing him. They to all the way to his office then she took his top off and pushed him down on the bed she got on top carrying on kissing him it then told him to wait she's going to lock the door. By the time she got back to him he was sat up,

Is everything ok she asked

Andy I think You should go....
She obviously miss read the signs she thought as she walk out the room and straight out of the station forgetting her stuff. She asked for a while.
He regret sending her away like that the sadness in her eyes hurt him. The reason he sent her away was his leg he felt so much pain in his legs and it had gone numb he punched it but he couldn't feel it he panicked
His excuse was that They couldn't have a relationship because it'll mess with There promotion he want battalion chief and he wanted to make Andy captain
They didn't speak properly since that day four weeks ago.

Her father had an idea that something was going on between her and Sullivan and he hate it he basically called her a slut. So not only she wasn't talking to her father she wasn't talking to Sullivan she really wish Ryan was here. Where was her best friend when she need him
They had a busy evening a car went straight into Joe's bar with trapping people inside it took a few hours to do it and with the two main people that ain't really speaking the job seemed to a hard as it look.

You did great work today, Robert tried to talk to andy they unfortunately bump into eachother in the beanery
I do great work every day she snaps.

He had enough he missed her so much what they had before he screwed up was amazing now he's lost his friend the women he loves all because his leg spiralled out of control at the wrong time and he panicked.
Excuse she through back at him
I've been patient but I've had enough on the insubordination it affects morale. Your friends they follow your lead.
friends!! What friends? Friendship only function if you can talk to your friends about what you're going through and I'm so busy protecting your promotion.
He interrupts her take a week off
She thought he  was benching her no I won't put it in record. I'm Saying take sometime off get your head together and figure out how to at least respect me.  He walked away as he really didn't want this argument with her two minutes later she followed

You could transfer to another station and  be captain and not be my boss, you could trust that I will be promoted to captain in due course because I have earned it
You could trust that I don't need any favours from you.
And I don't need your patronising idea of protection cos I get enough of that from my father. By this point he was in front of her this conversation is over he told her as they stood there staring at eachother for a second or two before he pulls her into him kissing her. He lifted her putting her on the desk still not removing there lips from each other her  arms were around for a few minutes he picked her up again off the desk and took them to couch she started to undo his shirt while he was undo her belt.
They had sex, they put there clothes back on and they never made eye contact with each of spoke she left his bunk and he didn't see her since.

she took his advice and had the week off.
Andy  kept quiet the whole week never bothered going into see the team she need this time away from all of them especially Robert. Although how they did it she thought it was amazing her feeling were growing for him but she knew she had to bury them deep down as nothing could ever between them again.

He was mad with himself yet again he did the wrong thing, first he  kissed her  and he pushed her away now he's slept with her and still can't do much more because of rules he could lose his job. He needed to get away go somewhere so he forget all about her.

To chief Ripley, I need to take some person leave I need to get out of it was another anniversary of Claire's death and I just want time of my own.
Ripley accepted his off but he knew something else was going but didn't know what.

After her week off she wasn't glad to be going back to work only to face Sullivan, they never saw eachother or spoke to eachother since they slept together. Walking into the beanery there was talk captain Sullivan has left won't be coming back she hoped it wasn't true but taking a look in his office there was nothing in his office.
She was pissed and the first call that came through she was on it. She put herself into work kept herself busy her whole team was concerned
But her excuse was she been off for a week and she has missed the exciting part of the job.

So guy I just want to make a few thing straight captain Sullivan hasn't left he just needed to sort something's out he'll be back on Monday Ripley told the team.
A wash of relief wash over her body. The past two weeks she had missed him so much consider they were together load hydrogen inspections together talking about anything laughing the team knew something was wrong when they were arguing and wasn't together all the time.

I hate that I love you Where stories live. Discover now