i hate how much i love you

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Herrera, she refused to listen as she knew what was coming Herrera
Your tongue has been in my mouth, I think that put us on first name basis. Annoyed that she was paired with robert of all people at the minute.
I didn't mean to hurt you ok and I would like it if.... Hasn't it been enough? Can't we be friends? She was packing the medical supplies away and he didn't know if she was listening
Look a relationship between us is against the rules
Now she answer as yet again he's throws them words back in her face for the second time. I understand the rules robert but you broke a lot of them.
I know he said before saying more she carries on its not just against the rules to be a sex with subordinate, it's also against the rules to this them longing glances. It's against the rules to let your hands linger to let your eyes wander.... Now she was throwing the rule book at him taste of his own medicine.
Your saying I harassed you? No I'm Saying you fell in love with me which is also specifically against the rules. I'm Saying I fell in love with you and you did nothing to discourage it. She felt a of relief of letting them words out to and to see his face.
I never took advantage, I didn't say you did, I'm saying.... I wasn't the only one. I kissed you but we both felt it.
And then you say it can't happen you don't speak to me for weeks and You push me away, I mean that crazy making. I don't know how to handle it he spoke
Admit that I'm not making this up, that this isn't a figment of my imagination.
Ok your not making this up but it can't happen again.
Knowing that she wasn't making it up and be finally admitted to having feeling it made it worse. They drove back in silence returning to the beanery where they were all having a little baby shower for Ben and Bailey.  Andy stayed for 10minutes then left she was down in the barn near the fire engine where Robert found her. He got so close to her that she leaned her head again his chest he whispered in her ear I'm sorry.
He sat on the step on the fire engine as she turned to face there faces inches apart.
They making me battalion chief and I want to make you captain and it's not going to happen if we're together he started telling her
Why not she asked haven't I earned it? People won't see it that way. It was hurting him as seeing the look in her eyes. So we can't be together because I won't get my promotion right he said or we can't be together because if people found out You won't get your promotion. He went silent she knew she was right work always come in between her and the people she loves. For example her father Ryan and now Robert with this she walks away from to her bunk. 

A couple of weeks went by and Andy was off work for three days when she heard the someone knock on the door at the door. P.D open up she was confused to who the hell It, I need to see your badge before I open up, she the peep hole and saw Ryan. She was happy to see him then they heard screaming from her next door neighbour. They went to check and saw she had cut her wrist pretty bad. Ryan rang, Andys dad as he was working for a private ambulances service as she still wasn't talking to him.
Ryan and Andy stated to look after the two children they say and had a heart to heart, Andy told him everything between her and Robert. Then Ryan told her how he split with Jenna after admitting he was still in love with his ex before Andy got the chance to Say something little Milo came out of his mother room with a really gun, still thinking that him and Ryan was playing he shot never meant to get anyone but he did he got ryan.

Stay with me ryan, keep talking to, keep breathing for me we'll get through this As Andy held pressure to his bullet wound she managed to ring her father, shouting to him to come back that's all he got.
Tears fell down her face she did everything she could to keep Ryan from dying his last words were he loves her.
After Ryan funeral Andy returned to work, she had cried since that day he died. Her team was all there for her but she didn't want It just to throw herself back into work.
Is it everything you wanted she was standing at the door of battalion chief Robert Sullivan office. Ignoring the fact that he looked for damn sexy in his new uniform but still she was there for permission to go back to work. He thought It was a bad idea but he has come to know how Andy handles her grieving so he accepted hoping Maya would put her on desk duty.

It hurt to know that he was thinking about his work more then there relationship she wanted him to bad.
few weeks had past and the other conversations Andy and Robert had was to do with work stuff.
Watching Andy with Jack made him jealous Robert was regretting of accepting the promotion over her.
Pruitt and Robert met out of the station one morning, Pruitt need to tell him not to give Andy the captain position as she ain't in right frame she just lost her best friend and her year is about to get a whole lot worse.
Unfortunately Robert understood what he was saying and went off to think about it Andy deserved the captain position no-one else they haven't earned it but he had no choice he gave the position to Maya.

The look on her face as Maya came out the office, what's just happened she asked Maya with Maya smug face said it all, you should speak to Sullivan.

I hate that I love you Where stories live. Discover now