Keep Quiet

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It was a quiet and boring day at Hogwarts. All the students were minding their business, walking the halls in their usual groups, taking their usual routes, raving about the latest escapades of Harry Potter and his group. You never cared much for any of that nonsense.

Instead, you kept to yourself, not making many friends, not getting in any trouble. Merely existing amongst the rest of your classmates. You spent most of your time in the library, the only green robe in a sea of blue, and one red speck-which appeared on and off, usually closer to test days. You didn't mind it, however, you quite liked that fact. Nobody ever seemed to bother you or give you any trouble, it was a neutral ground, so to speak.

So as you opened the doors to the library, you smiled at the familiar scent of tattered books and the familiar sight of that endless blue. You had no assignments to do today, so instead, you scanned the isles for a book you could occupy yourself with until it became nightfall. After about 30 minutes of scanning you decided to pick up a book on fairies, although it wasn't a topic that necessarily interests you, you decided that you didn't feel like looking for anything else and headed over to your usual spot.

Accept there was someone already sitting there. A blonde boy in a black suit that you immediately noticed to be Draco Malfoy. The two of you were never friends, but you were never enemies. You constantly caught him stealing glances at you in class-glances that you would often return-and your friends always mentioned how thick the sexual tension was between you two.

In any case, he was in your table and you wanted him gone. "Malfoy." You said his name sharply, and his head turned in the same manner. "What?" The word came out of his mouth like he'd just eaten something nasty, but his eyes...his eyes told a completely different story. You couldn't quite put your finger on what it was yet.

You sat there, looking into each other's eyes for a second before you remembered why you called his attention in the first place. "You're in my table. Move." He raised an eyebrow at the comment, looking you up and down before smirking. "Your table? I don't see 'Property of Y/N' anywhere." He retorts, motioning toward the table while maintaining eye contact. "Just move, Malfoy." You were speaking just above a whisper, trying so hard not to yell but wanting to so bad.

"Make me." And his smirk seems to deepen just a bit, the color in his eyes dancing between shades of gray and black. You would never admit it to him, but it made you nervous. Malfoy chuckled a bit, "Your cheeks are bright red Y/L." Your hands immediately went to your face and felt the hotness of your cheeks. Instead of retaliating, you just put your head down and sat diagonal to Malfoy, trying to get as much distance as possible while still being in your comfort zone.

After ten minutes, you hear the soft screech of a chair, the pitter patter of footsteps, and another soft screech. When you look up, Draco is gone. Just as you were about to sigh with relief, you feel a soft, warm, hand on your thigh. Your eyes dart left only to be met with the cheeky smile of Draco Malfoy. "You okay, Y/L?" He snickers as he watches your face go even more red. "Get your hand off me Malfoy." You weakly spit back, trying so hard not to give any reaction.

He leans in towards you so his lips are barely touching your ear and says, "I'll stop touching you whenever I feel like it." You felt the butterflies in your stomach trail down, hitting every inch of your body. His thumb rubbed your inner thigh with such delicacy, you almost told him to be tougher. Instead, you bit your tongue and tried desperately to stand your ground.

But as much as you tried, you couldn't focus. The words in your book began to blur together, you found yourself reading the same line over and over. "Malfoy..." You tried to say it with conviction but it came out as barely a whisper. Malfoy didn't respond, and when you turned your head toward him, he was focused on the book in front of him. You only saw him smirk and his hand trailed up your thigh ever so slightly.

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