𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗂𝗏𝖾

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[ and fairy godmother was exposed ]


hyunjim was smiling more these few days. he was more happy and always had a rush of dopamine when he'd think of changbin. he'd stare at the shorter and sometimes forget to blink. his lips would curl up unconsciously whenever he'd catch a glimpse of the shorter.

he knew what this meant and he was already planning to confess.

changbin was in the library arranging books since it was his turn for being on duty.

he was on his toes constantly checking the number and the category of the book so that he could place them on the shelves.

hyunjin was walking to the short boy. nervous but excited he went towards changbin and tapped on the older's shoulder.

changbin whipped his head back to see who it was. his eyes blinking multiple times seeing that his crush was right in front of him.

"d-do you have s-something t-to say ?" he questioned.

hyunjin just smiled.

"yeah just wanted to confirm if you were my admirer." he said pulling out the few notes that the younger always left on the gifts.

"h-how d-do y-you know ?"

"i don't know. maybe fairy godmother was on my side." hyunjin said shrugging carelessly.

changbin scrunched his eyebrows, his eyes sceptical.

"so you're the one that day." he said jutting out his lower lip.

"that doesn't matter. just tell me if you really do like me."

the olderr fumbled with his shirt, nervous to answer and scared to be rejected.

"y-yeah i d-do. bu-"

the smaller was cut off.

hyunjin bended down, his face dangerously close to the older's.

"reach my lips and i'll be yours."

"it's just a kiss." hyunjin smiling innocently as he straightened his back.

changbin was nervous and confused on what he should so. but damn he had to get his man.

he knew he wouldn't reach so easily so he stacked a few books and climbed on it, his hands on hyunjin's shoulders as he stood on his toes yet again to leave a small peck on the other's lips.

hyunjin who was witnessing what changbin did wanted to scream and hug the little one. his heart almost jumping out and his mind going insane with the amount of uwus it was chanting.

but he had to keep a straight face. otherwise there would be no fun.

"a-am I not a-accepted." changbin said embarrassed at his actions.

hyunjin pulled the older to another kiss again but this time it was more intense with lips crashing at each other's.

"you aren't accepted you are booked." hyunjin said caressing the shorter's cheeks as a smile adorned his face.

chanbin just smiled in return.

they were together finally after always being always liking each other in the shadows.

they were finally together.


I'm shit at writing and my cover is shit too. I got no skills so anybody can suggest me a cover shop.

and this book has soonhoon ver.

𝗦𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗧𝗜𝗘𝗦│𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗃𝗂𝗇Where stories live. Discover now