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[ the last day ]


the bells were ringing, the different classes were either wailing or giggling. it was graduation day for the third years and the hallways had flower petals spilled all over in different colors.

some boys were running in search for their significant one to say a final good bye and some others hugging their friends farewell. the club members trying to find words to express how grateful they were to their seniors. the teachers looking at the batch they taught with hopes that they'd grow up into fine adults of the society.

a lot happened in the past year.

and amongst the people who grew, who learned, who cried, who laughed, who shared affection and warmth to each other were the young duo of hyunjin and changbin. they learned about each other; they fought and they loved.

this young boyish love they had was so tender and pure.

hyunjin ran to his locker just in case there was something. in hopes that changbin would write him. and there actually was that same small chit of yellow sticky note.

'meet at the library'

and so he ran for dear life down the flight of stairs.

he gently pushed open the door; and the small boy was standing there with a smile and wide open arms.

so he ran up to those arms and hugged him tight.

"i'm not that great; i am simple and i'm very normal. i've never had anything extraordinary in my life. so thank you for loving me and thank you for making my year better. thank you for helping me grow to be the person i am today." he gently whispered against his ear.

"thank you for falling in love with me." he replied.

when his arms let loose the smaller; changbin pulled a small envelope in his pocket and handed it over to him.

hyunjin giggled.

he opened it; only to find a cookie in a plastic wrapper decorated with small stars and a small piece of paper that was sticked with tape on both sided in an attempt to make it water proof. and this small paper read.

'free kiss ticket'
-only valid to the best boyfriend.

hyunjin smiled brightly.

"free kisses please."

and the small boy went right up his toes, gave a small tap to his shoulder and pecked him at his cheeks.

a wonderful year it really was.

Okay sike sike ;-; yall me did it I finally made the epilog I was so lazy to touch. Comment arr most welcome I don't bite let's chat 😭 I'm trynna write the smut for now 😭

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