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    Navytail wondered around the forest with his mate by his side. It
was raining, and the trees around this part of the forest looked
crooked and sharp. Some trees looked like they had evil faces on
them, trying to kill them both with just it's expression. He winced as
lightning roared in the background, but it felt like it was right next to
him, trying to kill him just like the trees.

He didn't like this. He missed the sand and then other BlueTails, he
missed his brother and his sister. He missed his mate's happiness
and her smile. He glanced at her, she wasn't smiling, she looked as
sad as he did. His mate almost never complained though, she
would follow him to the end of the world without complaining or
moping. That's another thing he liked about her, that's another thing
that made him love her.

His mate's name was Puffertail, she was a sky blue color with dark blue rectangular shapes on each of her 5-tails. She was wonderful and amazing.

  He was a 4-tail, so he was able float the map of the Weeping Woods in front of him. It was easy and simple, 1-tails couldn't do it, but he could. He wished life was as easy as floating a map. If it was, then he wouldn't be here. He would be back at his home, with his mate smiling at him, and his brother laughing with him.
He dodged around weeping weeds that looked like they were trying to curl around him. Weeping weeds were horrible, they were what this dumb large forest had named after. A 9-tail GreenTail had used his powers to make the weeds put curses on any dragon they were able to touch. Of course it didn't affect GreenTails though. His cousin had been touched by one, and he wasn't able to talk ever again. Which honestly, was an improvement since he kinda talked too much.

Maybe one day our Union will gain back our territory, no more terrible weeping weeds.

He continued on that thought.

Then we could attack the WhiteTails for stealing our homes, and killing so many of us.

We could kill them all for what they did.

He paused. What was he thinking? He never thought about violence like this! He didn't want to wipe out all the WhiteTails!

Yes you do.

His mind whispered to him.

  No, no, no! He glanced over at his wife to get his mind off of this horrible thought.

She was gone.

  His heart was racing fast, it felt like his heart was pounding from side to side.

   No, this isn't real. None of it is, your still at home with your mate right next to you.

Nobody died.

Nobody lost their homes.

Nobody lost the ones they loved.

He came back into reality, horrible, heart breaking reality.

She was still gone.

   He cried, loosing focus on the map in front of him, so it dropped. He started running forward to get out of here but then tripped over something furry. He stood back up wiping tears from his eyes and looked behind him.

   It was a BlueTail, a baby BlueTail. He looked like a baby Sharktail, except he was crying. Sharktail never cried, he always seemed to have a scowl, or a glare on his face.

What was a baby BlueTail doings out here? Maybe he got lost from
his parents, after all, a lot of BlueTails came through here looking
for a place to settle.

  The baby looked exactly like a baby Sharktail, the markings on his face looked a bit different though. The thing that stood out most on him though, was that he had nine large tails.

He's a 9-tail...

There's no way another baby 9-tail was in the territory, and he hadn't had heard about it nor seen it! He had to have, how could a baby 9-tail go unnoticed here in the Union. Not to mention who would let a valuable 9-tail out of their sight?

9-tails were the rarest and most powerful of all. If you had one as a child, you could sell them and be rich. It wouldn't smart at all if you sold them though. They had magic. It wasn't magic like his, it was much more powerful than just floating things.

He stared at it for a moment, letting his mind run freely.

Kill it.

Interrogate it.

Eat it... Wait what?

Find where it came from.

Keep it.

Sell it.

Use it.

Then he picked it up thinking for a long moment. He realized what he had to do, he didn't care anymore. His mate was gone, many that he loved were gone. He had to do this, well, more like that BlueTail had to do it.

They have to pay for what they did.


You are mine little one.

I'm going to call you Rivertail.

Your going to help me wipe out the WhiteTails.

( This is just the prologue, not the entire story. I will be making chapter 1, and hopefully be releasing it by the end of this week. Btw I am not finished with the guide, which is why not all the information is there yet. I probably will add more to the prologue, like more detail or better sentences or words.)

Tails Book 1: RememberWhere stories live. Discover now