Ghostly Winds

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A/N: This short story has nothing to do with my other short story involving ghosts, called "Ghosts". Enjoy 😁

No one can see them except for me, at least, no one that I know of. Everyday, they fly by and I'm the only one who can see their mournful expressions or the pranks they play. Ghosts... people would laugh at me if I told them that ghosts exist.

You see, wind is an odd thing. Most of it is unnatural in this world, or at least, that's what I can see. It comes from nowhere and sometimes feels cold and brisk, while other times it's warm and welcoming. This is all due to ghosts and their current mood. It sounds bizarre, but it's true; wind is caused by ghosts. They whisk past trees and people, and it's the speed at which travel that causes everything to sway and move. I didn't believe it at first myself, but it's the truth.

Ghosts aren't what we believe them to be, the supernatural beings that haunt houses and scare people. Rather, they act like every like you and me. Some just go about their daily lives like nothing had changed. while others love to pull pranks such as tossing your hat into the air or ripping paper from you hands. Everyone thinks it's just the wind, but I can see that it's just the ghost wanting to have some fun.

Others are more miserable and want to move on, but can't. Due to this, the wind they create is cold and bitter, much like their attitude. And that's where I step in.

The job I have bestowed upon myself is to help these poor souls move on. It's a difficult job, considering that every ghost is stuck in the world of the living for their own unknown reason, but I manage. Today was no exception.

"So, let me get this straight, you can see me?" An unconvinced ghost asked, his semi-transparent arms crossed over his chest. I let out a small, annoyed, sigh.

"For the last time, yes."

It had been a constant circle these past few minutes, Mr. Ghost would ask me if I could see him. I would respond with the same answer every time my patience growing thinner.

"Well that's odd, considering that no living human can. Are you sure?"

"Okay, Mr.—?"

"Mr. Colaric," He offered.

"—Colaric, I've told you over twenty times that I can see you. If you don't want my help, then I can just continue on. I have other ghosts to help that would probably be more helpful then you." It took all of my self control not to yell at this ghost and lose my cool, and even then, some of my self control broke and let little bits of my anger leaked out.

Remember the promise you made to Rosabella, Kiel. I reminded myself, a warning tone in my mental voice. I can't leave Mr. Colaric.

"What could you possibly help me with?" Mr. Colaric asked, clearly doubting me.

"I can help you move on from this world."

"I'm perfectly happy where I am now," He said, turning very defensive in a quick second.

"Are you? Your wind is cold and harsh. If you were happy, then it would be warm and gentle."

"And how would you know that?" Mr. Colaric snapped.


The ghost let out a sigh. "Young man—"

"It's Kiel," I interjected, but the ghost ignored me.

"—how do you possibly think that you can make me move on? I'm fine with where I am, I can watch my son grow up. Besides, I'm waiting for my wife."

"Are you truly happy?" I raised an eyebrow. "Your wife isn't here, and your son wouldn't want you to stay here because of him."

"How could you possibly know that?" Mr. Colaric demanded, narrowing his colourless eyes.

"Well, I just helped your wife move on about a week ago. And speaking from the heart, I wouldn't want my father staying in the land of the living just for me. I would want him to rest peacefully." The ghost didn't say anything. "Both of the reasons that you told me for why you want to stay can be done in the land of the ghosts. Your wife is there waiting for you and you can still watch your son continue to grow. I promise you that."

The ghost was silent, mulling over my words.

"Tell me one thing, what did you need to do to make my wife move on?" His voice suddenly went quiet as he asked me his question.

"I had to promise her that I would help you move on, so you two could be reunited once more, and that's exactly what I'm going to do."

The ghost didn't speak as he looked at me, clearly thinking. Slowly, I noticed him getting more and more transparent, the cloudiness leaving his frosted, glass-like skin. Ever so slowly, he was leaving the land of the living, moving to the land of the ghosts.

I couldn't stop the smile that slowly grew on my face. My job here was almost done, all it needed was one last touch.

"Rosabella gave me a message for you, when I found you. 'Life is a journey, and this is the next step up the hill.'" I wasn't quite sure why she wanted me to tell Mr. Colaric that message, but I went with it.

Mr. Colaric looked up to me, his face was completely relaxed, almost peaceful looking. The message from his wife was the last straw, the last piece put into place, allowing him to move on.

"Thank you, Kiel." With that, the ghost went completely transparent, leaving to join his wife. Finally, he made peace.

"Well, one down, over fourteen million left to go," I sighed happily, a smile still growing on my face as I stuck my hands in my pockets and walked away to continue my never-ending job.

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