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he was standing there,

with a smile on his on his face.

he looked up to see me and opened his arms to give me a hug.

mattia) i didn't really think you'd respond
he lets go of our hug

you) of course i would. that's one of the things i wanted to talk to you about.
i put my hands in my sweatshirt pocket.

mattia) it's kinda cold out.. wanna talk in my car?

you) yes please, i'm so confused cus it was hella hot like 2 days ago.

mattia) me too, i had plans but the weather kinda ruined that


we both get into the backseat of his car. it looked darker in here cus of the tinted windows.

mattia) so.. about what you wanted to talk about?

you) so basically uh.. me and mar were snapping each other like a lot. but i realized i felt a closer bond with you, and trust me i was really scared to tell anybody.. not even kai or ale.

mattia) how come you weren't dating anybody when i moved back here? i had definitely thought you were with somebody.. you know?

you) i've been scared of love because of my ex, i guess.
i awkwardly laugh.

mattia) i'm sorry, if you're um- uncomfortable talking about that i completely understand.

you) it's fine. honestly i think it'd be worse to keep everything bottled up. the only person who really knew the whole story is my mom, and well jenna. but you know how things went down so..

mattia) i'm here for you to vent trust me.

you) if you insist. so, it all started in eighth grade when i met my ex.. um-

mattia) you don't have to say his name it's okay
he pulls me closer to his chest, into a hug.

as i lay on his chest i continue telling my story.

you) thanks. so i met him at school. first day of eighth grade. we bumped into each other in the hallway when i was on my way to 1st period.

you) he asked me for directions since he was new, and me being the kind person i was i led him to his class. he gave me his snap and things started from there.

i started to tear up a little. it felt so right with him but maybe i did something wrong..

mattia noticed and hugged me tighter.

mattia) listen.. this isn't your fault. at all. he was in the wrong. not you.
he plants a kiss on my forehead and i continue telling the story.

you) everything went well during the talking stage, he made me feel loved and cared for. we were almost in freshman year when our relationship took a wrong turn. he started cheating on me for no reason. but i somehow couldn't let go..

you) once i had finally worked up the courage to dump him, he started abusing me and shit. honestly don't know what i would do if he hadn't moved. i still would've been in the relationship with no escape.

mattia) i'm proud of you. you're so strong for holding yourself together.


an hour had passed.

i had told mattia basically my whole life story and i realized i should've never kept everything tucked away.

he also told me a bit of himself.

it really felt like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders,

and that was really something i knew i had to do sooner.

i guess we're official now??

i don't really know..

he dropped me off 2 houses down from mine. it was like 5am so i had to get back home fast.

my mom's bedroom light was on.

and so was mine.


i decided best coverup plan would be to come home with breakfast..

so i grabbed my bike from the side of our house and went to mcdonald's.

i had like 13 bucks on my card.

so once i ordered and paid, i went back home.


i opened the front door and my mom was sitting on the couch.

you) i- uh-

mom) what were you doing ou- oh..

you) yeah i'm sorry.. um it's just i couldn't sleep and didn't have much for dinner so..

mom) oh okay, just let me know next time alright?

you) okay

and so we had breakfast at 6am.


started this chapter a long time ago. i'll be posting an announcement based on my decision. thanks.

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