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You are a mystery
They still can't see.

Being outcasted and ignored for years
Your struggles fell on deaf ears.

You bleed the blood like warrioress
Still, you are sweet and fearless.

There is none that you can't heal
For no one you should kneel.

Remember that you are a conqueror
Nothing can make you feel inferior.

Having the wisdom of infinity
Just name your own destiny.

With an immeasurable soul
You can be a creator of your own tale.

Be the one you want to be
Not the one you should be.

With a glimmer in your eyes
Woman..just marvel at your life.

With an infinite love in your heart
Sourire for what you have been from the start.


Sourire is my first short story. It is completely about the situations that women are facing in this society. There are some situations in which we have take stand for ourselves, for others but we can't. We surrender to our fate because of societal pressures or filial piety or because of our own insecurities or something else.

So in this story, I wrote different scenarios of how it would be like, if you take a stand, how it would be like  if we raise our voice about our own problems. I tried to include all possible incidents.

You will get to witness the strong and brave women who broke the stereotypes, taboos, and inhibitions which the people around her imposed on her in the name of values.

Finally, My story 'Sourire' is dedicated to all the women out there who stood against the injustice and prevailing every situation so bravely with a smile on their faces.

Thank you💕

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