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Scenario 1:

In an office room, there was a man who was fuming at a young lady who stood straight with her head held high, even in the face of extreme ridicule. He was shouting at her while seeing the proposal that her team had prepared.

Suddenly that man threw all those papers at her face and stood on his feet. She just clenched and unclenched her hands in order to control her anger.

"What an incompetent person! Can't you even handle a single matter.? What kind of proposal is that.? Completely rubbish. If you don't even know how to prepare a damn proposal, go, and get married quickly. You girls are not suitable for this working environment. After that, give birth to a bunch of kids and start living off on a man. This is the only thing you are capable of." Immediately after he finished his speech, a loud smack resonated in the air of the office.

The girl who was bearing all this rubbish stood in front of that man coldly and that man was glaring at her while holding his cheek where he got slapped by her.

"How dare you to slap me.? Do you know who I am and what I can do.? I can remove you from your job. Heck, you are remo-"before he could get a chance to finish his words, his words were cut off by that girl.

"Shut up. You don't need to worry about it. I am resigning from this job." She shot back at him.

That man widened his eyes in surprise as he didn't expect it to be an outcome. This was not a new thing, seeing him pouring his frustration on his employees, especially on females. He always thought that they were incapable of doing anything, though he knew, what they were capable of.

In fact, that girl also had a fair share of experience in getting berated by that man. But she never once raised her voice as she was in dire need of a job and that man was in need of great talents like her.

But his mountain size of ego wouldn't allow him to praise the skills of his employees as he didn't want them to outdo him or surpass him.

Though he shouted at that girl, he knew in his heart that all the proposals which were done and handled by her team until this date was excellent. It was just that he was so used to pour his frustrations caused by his own personal problems on his employees.

"Are you serious.? You can't find a job with the same pay that I was offering to you. Think carefully." He asked her, forgetting the fact that he got slapped by her, just a minute back. She just smiled at him and bent down to pick up the papers that were thrown by him earlier.

"I have never been this serious in my life. I can't work under a person like you. You don't even know how to appreciate our hard work. You look down on every female employee but don't you know their worth.? You know it but you don't want to accept it. I may be in need of a job but I prefer to stay at home than to work under a person like you." Saying this, she walked to the door but stopped in her tracks and said to him with her back facing him.

"Stop using your employees as your punching bag. If you won't stop, then you will be the only person that will remain in this company. FYI, the quality of the work depends on the capability of a person, not on their gender. I will mail my resignation to you. Please approve it soon." Finishing what she wanted to say, she marched with a calm expression on her face.

A week later, she got a call from a Multinational company. She was asked to attend an interview there. Though surprised at first, she immediately agreed with them.

When she attended that interview, a man who was interviewing her looked at her with amusement.

She just gave him a confused look. He just smiled at her and shook his head.

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