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Scenario 3:

A girl in her late twenties was gazing at the sky while swirling her champagne glass, ignoring the hustle-bustle of the party that she was in. If one would look clearly, you could notice the loneliness that was seeping through her eyes.

She came out of her reverie when she heard a throat clearing of someone. She turned her face to see who it was and noticed that he was her co-star who acted with her in the movie for which they attended for its success party. He was the male lead while she was the female lead.

"Care to share your worries.?" He asked her and she just scoffed at him.

"Though we worked together for a movie, we both are complete strangers. So why do you think I'll tell you my problems..?" She asked without glancing at him.

"Being stranger itself is enough reason to share your sorrow because you don't need to be afraid of getting judged." He said while shrugging his shoulders and she looked at him to notice any nonchalance but all she got was an earnest look in his eyes. So she sighed and closed her eyes.

"I am missing my family so badly." She said in a low voice.

"Then take out some time from your schedule and meet them." He said in a duh tone and she just released a mirthless laugh.

"It isn't that easy. I have been trying for more than 8 years but my father never once spared me a look as I chose this occupation against his wish. He prohibited me from their lives." She said and he looked at her with surprise.

"What! You are one of the successful actresses. Isn't it enough for him to forgive you, if only fighting for your wishes is considered as a mistake.?" He asked her back but she stood there silently for a while.

"Our family is a traditional one. Being born in that family, acting was a far fetched dream for me. I used to be like, Whatever my dad said or did was always correct. I used to live like that. He asked me to study medicine. Being an obedient daughter, I agreed with him even when my mind and heart were always on acting. I couldn't concentrate on my studies and as a result, I performed poorly in exams. He threw a fit in angry and scolded me badly. That when I opened my mouth for the first time. I told him about my interests and studying medicine was never part of it." She said while wiping the tears that escaped her eyes without her notice.

"He was completely against that idea and when I insisted so much. He asked me to choose between my family and dreams. I thought for a while and choose my dreams over my family. Did it make me a bad daughter.? Am I not filial to my parents.?" She asked him while looking straight into his eyes.

"To be honest, I never knew the love of a family because I was brought up in an orphanage but I can answer your question. No. It isn't wrong to choose your dreams. If you choose your family, you may have a chance to live them but I am sure you can never be happy because you always feel some emptiness in your heart for abandoning your dreams and you will get a life where you have to compromise for everything for the sake of others. Now you got a chance to live a life for yourself as you have chosen to achieve your ambitions." He said and she nodded at him in agreement.

"You know, call me insensitive but sometimes I literally felt like, giving birth to me was a choice that they made and they have an option of not doing it but they chose to give me a life which I never asked for. That choice became a responsibility. Later that responsibility comes with a lot of sacrifices, love, caring.. everything. But the thing is, this is the choice they made and they have no right into forcing me to do the things that I don't want to do. I may sound like an ungrateful person but this what I actually felt and again it is also me, who always craves for their forgiveness and love. Am I weird.?" She told him her inner turmoil.

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