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Scenario 5:

"Mom!" She shouted excitedly while entering the house to share her mom the good news but stopped after seeing the guests in the living room.

Her mother immediately dragged her from there and asked her to wear a saree. She wore it unwilling as she didn't understand anything at all.

"Mom..what's the matter.? Who are they.?" She asked her mom.

"They came here to ask your hand for their son." Her mom said while dropping a bomb on her heart.

"Mom..why didn't you all ask my opinion at all.? You know that I have some dreams to fulfill. So how can I marry anyone at this time??" She asked her mom while controlling herself to not let the tears fall down.

"I know ra but it is your grandma who brought this alliance. You know about her..right. She never listens to anyone. Come let's go. They must be waiting for us." She went along with her mom unwillingly with a blank face.

The groom's side of the people liked her and her grandma even arranged the marriage date without even asking her opinion. She knew if she didn't open her mouth now, she was going to regret this for life long. So mustering some courage, she stood up from her seat and turned to her grandma and dad.

"I want to talk with both of you." She said.

"What do you want to talk now.? Can't it wait for a while.? They are guests in our house. We will talk about it later. Sit down." Her grandma shrugged her off with a smile.

"Please excuse us for a while. I really want to talk with them." Ignoring her grandma, she turned to th groom's side family and said. They nodded in agreement with a smile.

Unwillingly her grandma followed her with her father behind her.

"What kind of unruly behavior is that.? They are your soon-to-be in-laws. What will they think about our upbringing??" Her grandma scolded her.

"How can you fix my marriage without even asking me.? Don't you know I want to fulfill my dreams.?" She asked her.

"What dreams! You want to be a pilot but let me tell you this, you are a girl. That profession won't suit you. That is the reason why I want you to get married. Stop your nonsense and come with me now." Her grandma said while trying to drag her out but she looked at her dad to stop all this.

"Maa. Stop it. If she doesn't want to marry now, then let her be. What will you gain by forcing her like this?" Her dad too resisted this idea of getting his daughter married.

"Shut up. You don't know anything. I am doing this for her good. She is already 23. If she comes near her 30's nobody will come to marry her as there will be less chance for her to bear a child. Don't cry when that happens. So listen to me." Hearing her grandma's words, she forcefully removed her hold on her hand

"You aren't doing any good. You are literally killing my dreams. Am I a baby-making machine.? Don't I have a say in my own life.? Remember that I am a human being. I have dreams. I want to fly high. So what if I am a girl, does being born as a girl means I have no rights to decide my life.? Aren't you a woman too.? How can you not understand my feelings.? I heard that when you were young, you wanted to study at that time but your father got you married to grandpa at the age of 12. When you know the pain being not able to do what you want, how can you do the same thing to your granddaughter.? Then let me say this, you are no different from your parents. Do you know mom always wants to be a singer but because of you, she killed her hopes of being a singer. She wanted to be a good daughter-in-law. Why can't you understand the people around you? I am begging you to let me live my life. Marriage is not my main concern. I got accepted into a prestigious university. Let me achieve my dreams." Wiping her tears, she looked at her grandma. Sensing her silence as approval, she stormed out of the room to tell the groom's side about her decision.

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