Anything else-Zouis

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-Zayn! Please bring me something to eat

-Okay Lou, I'm going I'm going. What shall I bring you your majesty-Zayn said with a little smirk.

-Stop making fun of me, you know I hate it when you do that-Louis said with a huff

-Sorry; I was just trying to make you laugh

-Well, it didn't work- said Louis pouting 

-Oh, I'm sorry baby. Here, let me make it better-he said kissing his pout away.
But Louis' pout didn't left. Zayn begin to feel really bad

-No babe, don't feel bad. I'll tell you what, this day I'm going to do anything you want, bring you everything you need or wish. Think of me as your personal slave.
Zayn didn't think in that moment the consequences of what he had said. It wasn't until he saw the smirk on Louis's face that he realized the terrible mistake he made.
The first petition was some stuff from the grocery shop. It didn't seem that bad, but Louis went over the top. He asked for all kinds of different fruits and vegetables, different types of pasta and meat. And not only that. He also asked for a lot of chocolate and ice cream. But of course, he didn't make it easy for Zayn. He asked for all this special and difficult to find brands. He even asked for a chocolate fountain.
By the time he got back, Louis made Zayn give him a massage in all his body. From the scalp to the toes. Zayn knew the pregnancy gave Louis all kinds of aches, specially so close to his due date, but he didn't thought all of this was necessary.
Next thing he knew, he was changing the place of all the furniture in the nursery, while Louis was watching from the rocking chair.
The next request was quite ridiculous. Louis asked him ti take a shower with him (no funny business), but Zayn would be the one washing Louis body. When they were out of the shower Louis told Zayn to put cream on him and then dressed him and style Louis' hair and his best he could. And not only that, he told Zayn he wanted them to dress nicely.

Zayn tried to protest, but Louis shushed him by telling him he had promised to fulfill all him requests. So Zayn did as he was told. By the time he had finished he was beyond exhausted, and Louis noticed so he let him go to sleep. 
-Thanks love- Zayn said kissing the bump, and then Louis' lips.
-No problem, I'm sorry if I was a pain in the ass all day
-Not at all babe- said Zayn, but Louis could easily say he was lying- Love you
-Love you more-but Zayn was already sleep. He smiled to himself and left the room to call Harry.
Two hours later Zayn was woken up by Louis shaking him and calling his name.
-Babe, please three more minutes and I swear all do anything you want-Zayn said getting under the sheets.
-Z, I don't need anything. Just come with me downstairs, please.
-K, I'm going- Zayn pushed the sheets of him and got up. He looked at Louis for a second, he looked amazing. He was truly glowing. Louis took his hand and guided him downstairs.
When they were down, Zayn was met with an amazing thing. There was a table filled with food. Salad, soup, meat and deserts. There was fruit and also a chocolate fountain. Zayn was impressed. The display was beautiful, and everything looked delicious. He felt Louis hugging him from behind and the bump pressing against his back.
-I'm sorry for all I made you do today. I needed a way to get rid of you, and since I got to my 7 month you never leave my side for more than two hours. So I figured the only way was getting you to sleep, but without tiring myself too.-Louis said with a little smile 
-You did all of this?-Zayn said amazed
-Actually, no. Harry helped a little- Zayn gave him an 'I don't believe you' look- Ok, maybe he did all the food. But I set the fountain! - He protested
-And it is truly amazing
-Of course it is- Zayn said with a little laugh.
-I just wanted to thank you for all you've done for me all of the pregnancy. I know I'm not the easiest person to deal with, but I don't want to make you feel bad. I know sometimes I go overboard. But I swear I don't mean it. And I think that...-he was interupted mid speech by Zayn's lips on his.
-He, I don't want to hear all your nonsense. You are amazing, the best thing that has ever happened to me. Well, you and our little baby- Zayn said rubbing the bump 
-You are the best thing that has happened to me too. I don’t need anything else to make me happy- Louis said entwining his hand in Zayn's
-Maybe some strawberries covered with chocolate-Louis said with an innocent smile.
Zayn laughed and guided Zayn to the table.

So, here's a new one. Hope you like it
Have a nice day :)

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