Why so blue?

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Author note - thanks a lot for choosing this story to read. This is an unedited version so please ignore any mistakes if you are reading. Also this story is my own creativity and not any copied version therefore I would prefer that my story is also not copied.
Thank you and love love.

"I think you should open the Box" Lily said to me. "Only because you want to see what is in there, I can't risk my life" I replied to her rolling my eyes at her.

  "Oh my god, how can you? How can you say that in that cute box there is a life threatening thing" she said making puppy eyes at the box.

  "I can swear on my life, it's life threatening, because I know for sure that the box is from that son of devil" I finished with sigh.

  "Ohh come on, he can't be that bad. Afterall he is the most popular badboy and he holds his name with that smoldering hot look" she said, fanning herself.

 "That's the point Lils, he is a bad boy and I don't know why are you guys so stuck up on his looks, there are things beyond it. And answering your earlier question he is the worst!!! I wasn't the one who started the prank war, I just paid him back for what he did. I am not just going to sit by and ignore his pranks. I don't care about what he does to others, that's not my place to say but he doesn't get away after messing with me. naha" I said, shaking my finger to make my point. See I love Lils, she has been my constant from when I can remember. She had been there when I had my first crush, and when I had my most embarrassing moment in front of my crush when he said," weather is beautiful today" and I replied with thanks!! I know, I know that is probably the most stupid thing to say but ui just got flustered that he approached me and replied with the first thing I can think of, sorry. But this girl here, tortured me on that thing for two years continuously, still does whenever ever she sees him in the school corridor. But that's not the point, the point is that she has started a new ship of me and that Lucifer's son. And I don't know why but she thinks we are gonna end up together because we have a prank war going on. I know right, so logical (not). I was pulled out of trance when Lils spoke again "If you are not gonna open it, I am."

  "Sure, go ahead, do the honours" I replied with a grin because I know it is nothing normal because the person who gave this is not at all normal. Lils took the box out of my bag into her hand and was ready to open the box when I stopped her," Now, wait a second let me distance myself from the site of danger."

 "Ohh, you are just overreacting." 

"No ,I am not. And don't let me interfere with your surprise, do open the cute box." I said sardonically carving two sets of inverted commas out of the air with my fingers. Lils opened the packaging of the box very carefully like it was something made out of gold and handed it to me. Then as soon as she opened the lid of the box. BOOOMM. There was an explosion with a loud bang. I had covered my face the moment the box had opened. Now as I moved my fingers aside I felt happy for doing that. There was blue smoke coming out of the box which covered the face of Lils. As the smoke cleared, I watched with horrified expression at Lils face, which was mirroring my expression. But the horrified expression of mine soon turned into hysterics of laughter as soon as I realised what had happened.
" Bahahahaha.. hahahahaha" I started laughing loudly and seeing Lils expression made me roll down with laughter." Stop laughing" Lils said angrily, folding her arms. " I had warned you earlier that the box was life threatening" I replied after taking long breaths to control my laughter, but one look again at her face made me break into laughter again.

  " I should have listened to you" 

  "  I told you so........ I knew, yes I did, that the box was a prank but you were adamant on opening it."

  " Just look at me, god I look like smurf with some color losing syndrome. Aaggrrhhh. Why I had to wear white today" Lils said facepalming.

  " Ahuh Lils, why so blue??" I said and broke into hysterics of laughter again. 

When Lils opened the box, the inside of the box exploded,  leaving blue dye all over her face.  And the fact that she was wearing white today made it all over more funny because now she looked like Smurfette and the additional fact that she hated blue colour and that movie didn't help at all.

  "You look like your favourite character Lils, or should I say Smurfette. Bahahahaha… hahahahaha. OMG this is the best, I should thank him later for this." I said wiping my tears from my eyes.

  " Ohhh shut up. And you definitely should thank him, even I will help this time. He has definitely booked his place in my payback list. And you better be thankful to me for taking this prank on myself" she said with a determined expression, walking towards the washroom to clean. 

  " Ohh that's the spirit Lils" I said raising my hand for hifing which was very nicely ignored so I pulled my hand back with a hurt look. 

  " Hi-fi me after we had paid him back" Lils said after noticing my hurt expression.

  That statement was enough to lift my mood up. I said cheerfully " Aaahh, don't worry about it. And I am definitely indebted to you for the prank. And we will definitely pay him back nice."

  We walked to the canteen for lunch, which was very torturing for Lils and entertaining for me. I am sorry, buy she too had enjoyed his pranks and the outcomes on me, so it's fair. 

The moment we entered the canteen my eyes searched for the son of the devil. As I searched the crowd my eyes landed on a pair of blue eyes, which were staring back at me. I knew those eyes belonged to the one and only the son of the devil. I watched his face transform from recognition to shock. I knew the shock was from the fact that I got lucky enough from his prank. I gave a smirk in his direction declaring my win in this game. But frowned soon enough when I watched his shock expression turn into amusement and then laughter. Why the hell was he laughing. Then it hit me, Lils beside me wasn't in her best state due to being the target of this prank. Ohhh no no no, he doesn't get to make fun of my bestie, not at all. I took Lils by her arm and dragged her towards our regular table, sneering at anyone who tried to make fun of her, which was sufficient enough to make them silent, because they knew better than to start a fight with me. I sat down on my place still keeping my eye contact with him, when an idea struck me.

  "Lils, I have got an idea. Don't worry we will have your revenge which is going to be very sweet, that's my promise" I said to Lils with a winning smile. The glint of mischief I saw in her eyes made it confirmed that she was by my side.

  I brought my eyes back at him, making eye contact with him again and smiled at him with an innocent look on my face. That innocent smile was enough to make him stop laughing suddenly and inhale deeply. 

Ohh dear, the look on his face alone was enough to make me actually laugh.

Boy you messed with the wrong girl.

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