Accidents 🇳🇱🇯🇲 (Request 2)

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Requested by ash1732

Sorry this took so long, the day after I started writing this my engineering class suddenly decided that I didn't even need time to do homework for other classes and drowned me in so much work that I have only recently dug myself out of the mound.


Netherlands and Jamaica sat in front of the crackling fire, cuddling together under a heavy woven blanket. Neth carefully pulled Jamai onto his lap and held him tightly. Jamai leaned his head back on Neth's chest and sighed in contentment.

"I wish this moment could last forever," he murmured.

Neth wordlessly agreed. He closed his eyes and listened to the quiet roar of the fire and their heartbeats, beating in perfect sync. He loved his beautiful Jamaica so very much. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with the island nation.

Neth rested his chin on Jamai's shoulder. He felt him lean his head against his. Neth suddenly blew a raspberry on Jamaica's shoulder, making him giggle. Neth loved Jamai's giggle. It sounded like the ringing of a hundred tiny bells that warmed his heart every time. He wished he could hear it for the rest of time.

"Neth stop," Jamaica laughed.

"But why," Neth cooed.

"Because I said so," Jamai returned, putting on a stern voice, but the smile was evident in his voice.

"Oh alright," Neth relented, blowing one more raspberry teasingly.

The pair sat in comfortable silence for several minutes, absorbing each others warmth. Suddenly, Jamai's stomach rumbled quite loudly. "Someone's hungry..." Neth joked, gently tickling Jamaica.

"Yeah," Jamai managed to get out between laughs.

"Well then, let's go get food!" Neth jumped up off the couch, pulling Jamaica along with him. He led Jamai down the long hall.

"Slow down," Jamai cried, grinning widely.

"Sorry," Neth apologized quickly, afraid he had hurt his beloved in some way.

"Thank you," Jamai joked, walking along side him, clasping their hands together securely.

Laughter from a side room caught Neth's attention. Huddling in a doorway were Zeeland and South Holland, clearing failing to suppress their snickers. Neth shot the girls a stern glare and they swiftly retreated. Neth sighed. As much as he found his provinces fun, they got in the way sometimes. At least he only had twelve of them.

Netherlands opened the front door, letting Jamaica go first. He he locked the door before making his way over to his car, Jamai, right beside him. As the two settled into the car, he couldn't help but shake the feeling that everything was about to get flipped upside down. But he ignored the feeling and started the engine.

"So what do you want to eat?" he chirped.

"Surprise me," Jamaica replied after a few minutes of hesitation.

"Very well then." Neth leaned over and gave Jamai a kiss on the cheek before flipping the car into reverse and starting off down the driveway. He pulled out onto the main road and headed south, towards the center of town. He knew a good Mexican place in the main square he thought Jamaica would love.

Netherlands rolled to a stop at a red light. He glanced over a Jamaica and even though it was dark, he could see his beautiful smile. Neth put a hand on Jamai's thigh and gently squeezed. He felt Jamai place his hand onto of his.

"I love you," Neth whispered.

"I love you, too," Jamai responded almost immediately.

Neth wanted to say more but his sights returned the street as a sudden flash caught his attention. Across the intersection was a car coming up to the light. Not to uncommon other than the fact that they were in the lane, clearly drunk, and not showing any sign of stopping.

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