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Entrapta made her way along the curve of the hallway, humming to herself as she carried several metal plates in her new robotic arms. One of the plates shifted, forcing her to concentrate on readjusting her grip. These limbs were not as responsive as her hair had been, but they were undoubtedly useful.

For the past few days, she and Hordak had been spending their time on Darla, helping Bow, Adora, and Glimmer with the ship. Most of the repair work was done, allowing Entrapta to use the majority of her time to work on Hordak's armor. She was only one step away from having it all finished. Then the two of them would return to their own ship and go their separate way.

Darla offered so much more to work with than Sophie (the name Entrapta had lovingly given their Horde vessel). Sometimes it was hard to imagine leaving, but Bow had offered to let her take whatever she wanted. That is, anything that wasn't necessary for Darla to run properly. The prospect of adding First One's tech to her own ship had Entrapta more than a little excited.

Entrapta was so lost in thought she nearly collided with Adora coming the opposite way. Adora recovered first. "Hi, Entrapta," she said, lifting her staff over one shoulder. "What are you up to?"

"I'm finishing up work on Hordak's armor," Entrapta answered, continuing on her way. "It's going to look incredible!"

"Oh! That's... neat."

Adora was making a very strange expression. Entrapta tilted her head. "Why is your face all funny?"

"No reason!" Adora said, her voice a higher pitch than normal. "It's just that... you and Hordak... it's weird to think about." She covered her face with her hand. "I shouldn't have said that out loud! I'm so sorry! I'm happy for you, really..."

Entrapta watched her benignly, not sure what all the fuss was about. Maybe a change of subject would help. "Adora, you can read First One's writings, right?"


"What does the crystal on my pack say?" Entrapta pointed behind her to the device that linked her mechanical limbs to her back.

"That's easy," Adora smiled. "It says 'Friend.'"

Entrapta beamed, feeling lucky to carry such a good sigil with her. "Bow found it," she went on. "He helped me look for a crystal that would fit. I asked him what it said and he didn't know. I can read a few First One's words, but not very many. The translation research I have is, regrettably, incomplete."

She glanced back at Adora only to see Adora's face had gotten all funny again. "Do you know what Hordak's crystal says?" Adora asked tentatively.

Entrapta nodded. "Yep."

"Does Hordak know?"

Stopping abruptly in her tracks, Entrapta looked away. Her hand flew up automatically in an attempt to cover her face with a welding mask that was not there. The truth was, she didn't know if Hordak could read the crystal. She had never asked.

When she had first come across the crystal and decoded it, Entrapta set it aside for, as she labeled it, a "special project", one she had yet to imagine. That plan went out the window the day Hordak opened up to her about his past. Giving the crystal to Hordak felt right, as if she had been holding onto it all that time for him. Entrapta wanted Hordak to know that she cared about him. A part of her hoped he knew how she felt, hoped he felt the same, but she was afraid.

"Are you going to tell him?" Adora asked quietly.

"I don't know," Entrapta mumbled, her eyes on the floor. "What if I mess up?"

Adora put a hand on her shoulder. Entrapta flinched slightly, but didn't move away. "It's ok," said Adora. "I know it's hard, but you can do it. I'm sure he'd want to know."

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