Part One

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My kingdom is Hell on Earth, or should I say, the kingdom that should be mine, not ruled by that evil scoundrel we call our King. As the Prince of this land I should have rule over, not the man who sits at the throne. The wicked man in rule holds a secret, the secret that I am alive. My parents, before their tragic deaths, declared that if anything were to happen to me, he would come into rule. I could not escape the palace, I have been locked inside my room for as long as my memories can trace back from after the death of my parents. But today I will try again to escape, I cracked up the perfect plan. When the one servant comes to bring me dinner, I will escape past them, and get out the nearest window, then run. That is exactly what I did.

Reaching the window I noticed I was quite high off the ground. Almost as if fate had it, vines ran down the palace wall which created the perfect escape route. I ran, not knowing where I was going, into a nearby forest. I had to stop, my breath running short as I leaned against a large tree and slid down the side, letting myself collapse onto the ground. I sat for a few moments, then I heard the crack of a twig, snapping under another's feet. Before I had time to react, I looked up to see a figure standing over me, holding some sort of weapon then swinging it down onto me. That's when everything went black.

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