Part Three

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I never thought I would return to the palace again, but here I am, looking out on a hill with a thief to the town and palace. I felt a sudden tug on my arm, it was Kier pulling me down to the palace. Before I knew it, we were standing by the wide wooden doors.

"How did you get out again?" asks Kier, looking up at the palace.

"Out a window, remember?" I answer and he looks over to me.

"Okay, Laurence, we need to get in the same way you got out. Show me where it is." he says, and I lead him to the vine covered wall.

"Perfect." he smirks then climbs up, I soon follow. Finally we are inside and he asks me to lead to the throne room, where the King would be. I surprised myself on how much I remember my way around the palace. We reach the doors and Kier pushes them open. Sitting on the throne is the wicked King, legs perched on a servant's back, staring at women who weren't wearing the most covering clothes and were obviously forced to do that. How perverted.

"Hey, perve, stop staring at these lovely ladies' chests and face us" shouted Kier as we stormed over to the malicious man. The King flipped his feet off the poor man and kicked him down the short steps that lead to the throne. He pushes the women to the ground and out of his path. The anger started to fuel up even more than before. How dare he hurt those innocent people.

The King finally reached us and he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall. I couldn't breathe then I felt the pressure on my throat release. Kier had the King locked into his grip, the King struggling for freedom.

"Let me go filthy pesant! You are obligated to follow my commands!" the King screamed, flailing his arms in effort for release.

"I will never follow you, you're no King to me!" Kier yelled back then they both stumbled into a table. A candle to the ground. The once cool wood now burning in a bright inferno.

"Laurence! Get out! I'll be okay!" Kier yelled to me, still in battle with the struggling King. Before I could reply a large pole falls and hits the King, just barely missing Kier.

"Please help me!" the King screams in agony. How could I help a man who had kept me locked up for almost my whole life?

"I will never help you" I spat at him.

"Laurence we have to leave now! The palace is in flames!" Kier pulled me to the exit.

"At least you finally got vengence for the death, or should I say murder, of your parents" the King yelled to me as we left the palace in flames.

"That monster killed my parents!" I sobbed into Kier's shoulder as he brought me into a comforting embrace. Eventually I pulled away from him and we stood, watching the blazing fires and the crumbling towers.

"The King is dead" I said after a long silence.

"The Prince remains" Kier replied, and we stood in complete silence again. Only the cracks of the burning fires being heard.

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