Chapter 08

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"Friends are angels that lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly" 

-  Anonymous  -


The conversation ghosted his mind for several days. He didn't make any contact with Theodore and hardly visited Lucas. He went quiet, practicing all the time even in lunch hours that his coach had to drag him out of the training room for lunch. Shu had always been a quiet person, but the last few days he learnt the meaning of loneliness and exhaustion. He did not want to talk to anyone but at the same time he wanted to open up for someone. Ethan's coming and going in the night grew more constant. Whenever he saw Lucas, his bright eyes were covered with a layer of tired problems that he didn't dare to disturb. He hardly met Theodore with all the practice. Their team hardly got along, especially with the disheartened feeling between him and Dylan. The only good thing that happened to him in the last week was that Dylan stopped bullying him. He was surely intimidated after Shu scared the hell out of him in the sleepover. The National Team Games were just around the corner, and almost everyone in the Raging Bulls had high hopes for their team. Shu felt the pressure building up inside him when Joshua constantly reminded them that the whole world is waiting for their performance, to see the power of the team Theodore has gotten together.

When he woke up that day feeling already tired before he got out from the bed, the albino just stared at the translucent white curtain hanging from the window. It was finally the day national tournaments will start, and there he was exhausted before the day even fully started. He stretched his arms above his head cutting off a yawn. Ethan was already out of the room, and his bed was well made, with the bed sheet perfectly tucked inside from the corner with the pillows neatly arranged near the headboard. His white earbuds dangled from the foot of his bed with his phone buzzing, displaying the screen with a shock of white, but Shu was not interested, he just wanted to lay down and rest for the whole day.

He forcefully dragged himself to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He splashed water against his white skin and let the coldness sink into his bones. Wiping his face from a towel, the albino stepped out and got dressed. As they were informed, they were to wear the official T shirt printed by the club. Shu was not sure whether he preferred his normal attire or the new one, he had never been a person who cared about fashion anyway. He pulled on a black pair of pants and put on the white T with red stripes covering the edges. The Raging Bulls emblem embroidered on the left side of his chest. He looked at his reflection at the mirror one last time before heading out of the door. He instantly bumped into Ethan who was looking at him in a hurry. "I was looking for you." He said apathetically. "Quick"

Shu nodded, closing the door behind him. He jogged to catch up with Ethan Carter who was already halfway down the hall. There was the familiar silence until they reached the lobby which was buzzing with excitement. Everyone was passing good luck with the official members of the team while Shu just ignored them, simply, because there was none for him. He reached from Free and Joshua talking beside the gigantic windows located near the entrance of the Raging Bulls. In front of it was a white minivan with the Raging Bulls emblem shining on it. Theodore waved at all of them and beckoned them to get in. Shu shivered seeing him. The memories coming back to him, Theodore was not a man to trust and at this point he was having doubts about Lucas. Shu sighed, following the other four to the minivan trying to feel an non-existing happiness and excitement. The ride was mostly about the tactics and the player formation. Shu didn't really pay attention, he was used to having others lead him. If he was told to go, he would. That's how everything had been from the start. Others said, he followed. Shu glanced at Theodore from the corner of his eyes wandering about his mysteries when he felt a sharp pain at the left side of his torso which made him yelp silently. He looked to see a crossed looking Dylan. "Pay attention when our captain is speaking!" He yelled at Shu's ear making the other flinch.

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