Son of Artemis

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"Mommmm, please let me go on the hunt with you!" said a 15 year old Percy.

For the first year of Percy's adopted life, Artemis stayed with him and taught him everything about the Greek world. Afterwards, Percy lived in an apartment on the Upper West Side alone. Artemis would check up on him occasionally.

"No means no, Percy. This hunt is too dangerous. I even forbade my hunters to come with me. They're on their way to Camp Half-Blood right now," said Artemis sternly. 

She sighed as Percy would always ask to go on a hunt with her. Under normal circumstances, she might have allowed it, but this time, she was hunting a monster that could bring about the destruction of Olympus.

"Fine. I'll see you after your hunt then, but you better let me come with you on the next one!"

Artemis smiled and kissed his cheek as she closed the door behind her. Little did she know the horrors that would await her.


Percy walked along the same lake where he first met his Artemis. His life had changed so much since then. He trained everyday on all the fighting skills Artemis could teach him. Percy went toe to toe with Artemis in combat on his best days. 

Percy looked up at the night sky. Stars were rare to see from the city, but the moon was always there everyday. 

But not today.

Percy rubbed his eyes and looked around him. The moon was not visible anymore. He knew right then and there that something happened to Artemis. 

He clenched his fists and his eyes were about to go dark before he stopped himself. His blackouts were starting to occur more and more, but he couldn't figure out why. Whenever he asked Artemis, she would change the subject to something else.

Percy hurried home to gather his things. There was only one place he could go now for help.


Long Island. Percy hated being there. It was too quiet and barely had anyone walking around. The perfect location to put a camp full of half gods to train how to fight monsters.

Percy looked at the sign in front of him. Delphi Strawberry Service. 

Talk about picking a more inconspicuous fake name. 

He walked past the camp's protection barrier and saw a huge pine tree a few yards in front of him. It had a strong energy around it so Percy assumed it was the source of the barrier. Before he could take another step, the sound of footsteps stopped him in his tracks.

"Halt, intruder. Who are you?"

Percy turned around and a beautiful girl with dark brown hair and black eyes had her bow pointed at him. A silver circlet was braided into her hair.

Zoe Nightshade, he thought to himself. Artemis would tell him stories about her lieutenant and her sad past. 

"My name is Perseus Jackson. I'm a half-blood, but I do not know who my godly parent is."

Zoe narrowed her eyes and lowered her bow. Something about him felt familiar to her, but she couldn't put a finger on it. 

"Very well. Come with me. I will introduce you to Chiron who is in charge of the camp," she said.

Percy nodded his head and followed her. He couldn't help but smile as he knew everything about the camp already.


"If you have any questions, I will always be here, Perseus," said Chiron.

Percy made up a fake story about being an orphan and ending up at the camp. Because he was not claimed yet, he had to stay at the Hermes cabin. 

Percy Jackson: The Curse of PoseidonWhere stories live. Discover now