Here you are

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Ponk [23:49] are you fucking kidding me?

Ponk [23:49] i step out for one day and i miss this?
Punz [23:49] <3
Ponk [23:49] ugh time to fix your shit


The world was strange.

Dream blinked as the final parts of the world generated before him.

The world was made entirely out of blues and yellows, shades of black and white. A beacon was placed right in the middle of the golden temple spawn area, pillars of quartz supporting the structure. When he looked up, yellow stained glass covered the top of the spawn area. Three sides of the spawn area were walled off with quartz stone brick. What was this supposed to be? He was no builder, but somehow these colors didn't seem right...

Well, every other wall was blocked off except for the one leading to the corridor in front of him. There was nothing else to see in this spawn area.

Before he could move, it popped up in the chat box.

Ponk has joined the game.

Uh oh. Dream didn't recognize that name.

<Ponk> are you the new guy?

There was no way he was referring to anyone else, right?

<Dream> i am new here yes

<Ponk> ok hold still for a second

<Ponk> youre gonna need a couple packs to actually see everything

<Ponk> discord tag?

That certainly explained the design. And if Ponk was in this world, that must mean he was a trustworthy person. At least, to the people Dream had already talked to, and the entire process for that said enough by itself. Dream typed his Discord tag in the chat and waited before accepting a friend invitation and clicking the download button for the files Ponk sent him.

Not before scanning it with an antivirus first, though. Can never be too careful in this day and age.

Dream restarted Minecraft and went through the same golden helmet access point as before. But the second he equipped the texture pack, the world generated with a new brightness.

This... This was a castle. The colors were more vibrant, more detailed. They meshed together into a work of art, the beacon shining like a star through the colored glass on the ceiling. It was as if he had been teleported to another, more beautiful dimension.

The spawn area had already left him breathless. What else was left to see?

Dream took the first step forward. Then the next. And the next. Walking was too slow, sprinting was too slow. Weights were tied to his legs, and all he could do was crawl aimlessly through the corridor.

Then the light disappeared, and there was something, something too familiar chasing him down the corridor.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck—

The chains buried into the floor, and the air filled with gray smoke. It felt urgent, miserable, helpless. All he could do was run, run, run, run, run from whatever feeling was chasing him through the hall as it breathed down his neck.

Then when he finally approached the lantern hanging over an archway to another room, he stopped, coughing the smoke out of his lungs and falling helplessly to his knees. The chaser had retreated back into the darkness, never to be seen again. But when he looked back, the corridor was, by all means, normal.

Heavenstruck (Guardian Angel AU)Where stories live. Discover now