Something New

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a/n: lovely fanart of chapter 5 by Vic!!!

Sapnap sent 36 attachments

Sapnap: figured you might want this

Dream: you figured correctly

Dream: thank you

Sapnap: np dude

Sapnap: and tell george hes a stinky poopoo head

Sapnap: youre one too, just to a lesser extent

Dream: no u

"Hey, George," Dream called as he waited for the bacon on the pan to cook. George was seated on the counter next to him, idly picking at his nails. "Sapnap says you're a stinky poopoo head."

George rolled his eyes, then they widened before he pulled Dream to the side right as hot grease popped off the pan. "Dream!"

Dream chuckled, his heart warming at the disproportionate amount of concern in his shout. "It's just a little bacon grease, George."

George only groaned and crossed his arms. "Whatever. Tell him he's a stinkier poopoo head."

Dream: he says youre a stinkier poopoo head

Sapnap: WHAT

Sapnap: be there in 5 minutes to kick both of your asses be ready to catch these hands

Dream relayed the text to George, both laughing.

Nothing much had changed, it seemed. Dream was thankful for that much.


Office politics sucked for people who took days off. It sucked even more for people who took multiple days off.

Dream rolled his eyes as he deleted another passive-aggressive email from somebody on his team. He would just claim the email hadn't arrived, as he would for the other four people who sent him similarly passive-aggressive emails. It's not like any of this came as a surprise anyway; He had never been on the receiving end of it since he had never missed out on any days before, but he had witnessed it from afar enough times to know the drill.

"Today's workplace atmosphere is... interesting," George said, his voice detached as he inspected his fingernails. "Don't worry about it. Ignore them like you always did."

Dream stilled, then pulled up the designated word document and typed. You didn't even read the emails. How did you know?

George snorted. "Dream, you look like you're gonna strangle someone right now. You always look like this at work."

Wow, thanks.

"It's not an insult, it's a concern. I can't protect you from your own body sabotaging itself."

Dream paused. What do you mean by that?

"I've been watching over you for a couple of months now, you know. Every time you go to work, your coworkers make it hell for you," George huffed. "It's quite frustrating to watch, actually."

Aw, you care about me <3

George raised an eyebrow. "Why would I not?"

Oh. He said that so casually as if Dream hadn't just been trying to tease him. But it felt nice having their friendship validated so nonchalantly with no hesitation. It was... nice. Really nice, actually.

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