2. the countryside

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kook took a deep breath and smiled. FINALLY! he was here. on the countryside, up the mountains. the journey was surprisingly long, but now he was here. he only needed to find his hostel.

a nice farmer took him up to the mountain, to his destination. kook thanked the man and stood infront of the lovely, but slightly overdue for every make-over, farm house. he heard the animals nearby in their stables/barn and on the maddows. he saw fruit trees, a garden with veggies and herbs. he bent down and ripped a strawberry, devoured it and closed in enjoyment his eyes. the best strawberry in years!

the door opened and a scruffy guy, his age, with dirty dungarees and boots, stood infront of him.

"hello?" he looked questionable at him. kook was taken aback from the deep voice. "uhm... hi there. i booked 2 weeks?" "oh... its u. jeon, right?" kook nodded. "okay, follow" he turned and didnt even waited for kook. kook grimaced and sighed, heaved his dufflebag up and followed the grumpy unfriendly guy. they walked up to the first floor, back down the floor and finally tae pushed the door open and pointed into it.

"yours room, bathroom is the 3rd door, breakfast is from 6:00 to 7:00, my mom will give it to u, lunch is sharp 12:00 and dinner at 6:30. u have wifi and a tv in your room. if u wanna lock the room, ask my mom for the key. have a nice time" he gruffed and walked down again. kook stood there for some seconds, scoffed and walked into his room. it was clean, nice, two windows, he had flowers on a table. the bed was made and clean, it smelled fresh. kook was happy with his room. he could see, that a womans hand prepared everything. he also had some fresh fruits in a bowl. with gusto he bit into a juicy apple and sighed satisfied. he was excited for the 2 weeks, he would make really great pics here! the sight was amazing, a stream was near, the colours were to die for.

tae grumbled under his breaths and came back to his work. he just had make a break from hoof shoeing the horses, when he was about to go back and this stupid city person stood infront of his door. if the farm was allready his, he would put an end to this stupid vaccation nonsense, his mom started. city people, who wanted to explore the countryside, didnt like it after 3 days and were bitching around, they annoyed him greatly. but his mother put her foot down, it was an extra income they really needed. with a shaking head, tae returned to the horses.

kook didnt unpacked his stuff, only grabbed his litlle bag with his cameras and stormed out of the house. he took some pics of it from all angles, the barn, tae with horses, sweating, smeared with hoofoil on his face, he looked like the perfect model for farmers. kook grinned at his thoughts of farmer callender. tae would definatley be in it. kook turned and walked the narrow road. walked to the stream, took some pics there, walked to the other farms, the small center with a coffee shop, a farmers market, a butcher, took pics like a tourist in venice and walked back, when the sky turned darker. he came back right on time for dinner.

he inroduced himself to the guys mother, who was lovely. they talked without break, the son, now cleaned from all the dirt, in sweats and tshirt, stayed silent most of the time. the mom nudged him. "did u told him your name?" "taehyung" he mumbled. kook gave him a smile. "jungkook" "what a nice name" the mom chirped. "your parents must be so proud of u" "oh...uhm... they died years ago" "oh..i am so sorry" "its okay" "no, its not, u look so young" "i am 22" "who took care of u?" "my grandma, but she died a few months ago" the mom looked distraught. kook gave her a big smile. "it was okay, i still had a nice childhood. granny was great to me" "i am so grateful for that" she really wiped a tear away. tae rolled his eyes. "tae also lost his granny not long ago. they were glued to each other" kook gave her another smile and glanced to tae. he didnt look all too happy. "dont talk about her with strangers mom" "tssss, dont be silly. kook isnt a stranger" she said kook, only his granny called him that. a warm feeling flooded kooks heart. he felt welcome here..... even if taehyung wasnt having it.

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