3. ghosts in the office

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the work was good, the team was great, the pay was awesome, but....

the boss was.... something.

not that tae saw him all the time, not that he watched over taes shoulder the whole time, not that he was an asshole in all..... tae really hadnt have any issue with his boss, other that he was a hot, sexy motherfucker. he made tae sweat his nice gucci clothes, made him squirm under his look, made him wanna devoure those lips..... tae shook his head, he needed to focus on his work and .... his idiotic dick was awake and ready to do dirty work.

with a huge sigh, he looked around. tae flinshed a bit. he was alone...what the hell?

"oh shit....come on!" tae cursed and looked at his watch. it was almost midnight. everybody was gone home, he was the lonley soul still in his departement. great. looks like he hadnt had a life on his own. what a loser.....

"great, tae, just fucking awesome!" he cursed again, just slightly louder this time.

he tilted his head, he felt something behind him, his hair on the arms stood up and on the neck..... shit! the office ghost! he forgot about it! its here to get him tonight. that was it. he was so doomed. slowly and in anticipation of seeing a "ring" like ghost, he turned around with his chair, sqeaking loudly out, seeing someone there. not in a white long dress and with hair over its face, down to its hips like ghost, but.... in a suite? since when are ghosts wearing nice dress shoes? taes mouth stayed open. "please! dont take me with u! let me stay with the living! i beg u!" "what the fuck u talking about?" tae looked more surprised. "u...u...talk! please dont kill me!" "are u stupid?" "no?" the "ghost" walked closer and finally tae could see its face. his body sacked down on his chair. it was only his boss..... OH SHIT!!!! ITS HIS BOSS!!!! THE HOT GUY!!!!

joon chuckled. "the hot guy, huh?!" tae froze. "did i just said that out loud?" "uhu" "shit! please forget that?! i was.... scared to death!" "what u still doing here by the way?" "why are u still here?" "i am the boss, duh!" "so why are u still here?" joon tilted his head and stared tae down. was he screwing with him? "i. am. the. boss." "yeah.... doesnt it mean, that u could be out of here like.... the first person of all?" "where did u work before?" "why?" "cause i think u had the wrong boss there" "thats why i started working here in the first place" tae grinned, joon scoffed annoyed. "so: what U still doing here?" "i obviously forgot the time and just found out, that i was alone and how late it is" "and thats why u thought i am a ghost?" "didnt u heard about the office worker ghost?" joon shook his head. "we have apperantley 2 here. a worker, who hanged himself, after he lost an important contract and a secretary, who fell in love with her boss, but was turned down, so she jumped from the building!" joon again looked questionable at him. "and u believe that?" "we all do!" "oh okay.... come now. since we have revangefull ghosts here, we should walk out together." "oh... thank u. i like that" tae smiled thankfully at him. he grabbed his stuff and walked with his boss to the elevators.

"u are here since....?" "may" "ah.... how u like it so far?" "its great! i love it. the work, the team, the payment, benefits, its really great" joon nodded and looked at his phone. he cursed under his breath. "u here with a car?" "have a vespa" "oh...." "if u want i can drop u off?" "depends on how u drive" "pretty good, hardly any accidents so far" "hardly?" tae only grinned and pulled him to his biggest love so far. "there she is, my beauty" "its a vespa" "it should be praised on an altar!" "okay, thats too much" "wait until u drove on and with it" joon only narrowed his eyes on him with a sceptical look. tae hopped on, handed his boss his helmet and started the engine. "purrs like a cat!" he grinned at joon. "where is your helmet?" "just have one" "but...." "u more important" "i doubt that" joon had to hold on to tae, cause the "beauty" came to life in seconds and dashed forwards.

tae was happy. his heart hammered against his rips. feeling joons arms around his waist was heaven. he only dreamed about it and it was even better he imagined.

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