6. being there for him

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taes pov:

i saw him from where i walked. as i walked closer i saw, that indeed, it was a guy. closer and i saw his face. he looked restless, desperate, lost, sad, exhausted.

i pulled him back over the railing, held him, when he tried to jump, almost dragged him back to my car.

i didnt know why. why should a stranger be safed by me. why should i care about him.

it was his expression. it made me walk up to him fast, made me do, what i did. i didnt want him to jump from the bridge, killed himself. i wanted to know him. help him. so i drove off.

i handed him a waterbottle. we didnt speak and he fell asleep soon into our journey. i turned the radio lower and called my mom.

"hon, where are u?" "u know, i thought i really should drive to the cabin and work there for a bit" "oh... thats a great idea. please be careful, u know how the mountain roads are, specially in autum" "know, thanks mom!"

i made a decision. i would drive up to my family's cabin in the woods. there i would take care of this guy. i would help him to get through whatever he was going to. maybe ... not maybe, certainly the woods and the silence would do wonders to him. it could heal any wound he had. happy i drove the long way with him totally out.

i almost carried him inside, sat him down on a chair, brought the bags inside, filled the fridge, cooked water for tea, filled and fired up the old stove, warmed up the cabin, put sheets and blankets, pillows on the bed, filled the bath tub with hot water, shoved the guy into the bathroom, stripped him down and helped him inside. he let me do what i wanted. he was silent, like a doll. i washed him and told him to rest a bit in the warm water.

i cooked for us, set up the table, got him out and dried him down. he had scars on his wrists, so it wasnt the first try. what on earth was so devasted for him, that he tried to end himself? what was so cruel to him?

3rd Pov:

tae scanned his face, as he shoved the food down his throat. at least he ate. tae took their cups to the fireplace and sat next to him. "are u feeling better?" after some minutes he finally talked. "why? why did u ....u pulled me back?" "why would u jump in the first place? its ice cold in the water and drowning is a bitch death. it hurts and ... no, its not nice. dont do that ever again!" "are u a fucking social worker?" "no? i am a photographer. i come up here to relax and work. its healing" the guy nodded. "whats your name?" "taehyung, say tae. u?" "yoongi" "nice! so..... why?" yoongi shrugged. "it was all too much. beef with my parents about my dream job, no money, i got ripped off too much, i developed anxiety and depression. it was in all too much. the worst year of my life so far" tae scoffed. "and thats a reason to kill yourself? please! there are people who have it worse and they still get through it. okay, your parents are pissed, they are parents, its their job. of course they will not be happy of any job choice u make, if its not to be a lawyer or a doctor. what u think my parents said? they wanted me to inheritate our farm and stay there until i die. have a wife and a lot of kids. duh! now they calmed down, after they saw that i earn enough money to support myself. .... that u got ripped off sucks, but... it happens. it happens to the best people. what are u doing by the way?" "music. i want to be a producer" "oh...wow! but, u know, we are here in daegu... u probably should go to seoul." "i am trying to safe money to go there" "why dont u sent some of your music to the companies? or enter an audition. u dont have to become an idol, but at least they get to know u" yoongi looked surprised at him. "u never thought of that? wow" tae mumbled surprised. yoongi showed him a smile. tae was mesmerized.

"u should smile more often!" yoongis cheeks blushed a bit. tae didnt know if it was thanks to the fire, the warm tea or from his words. but.... he felt something warm from that blush.

they talked for a very long time. in the end, tae showed so many good reasons to not end himself, that yoongi felt at peace since forever. tae made him calm, relaxed and happy. he was the first human being who could manage it.

with a lighter heart, he crawled into the bed, tae followed him. there was no discussion, if they should sleep in the same bed, it was what it was. yoongi waited for tae to fall asleep, sighed and shoved close, pressed his body on taes and finally fell asleep too.

tae noticed the body. he smiled and wrapped his arm around the boys. like this they woke up. the days and nights went on like this and the boys became close. yoongi let tae listen to some of his songs, tae was amazed. yoongi really had talent! he told him so and with glee, tae soaked yoongis red face into his brain. this picture he had to have. so he started to complimented him more and more, just to snuck some pictures from that face. finally! tae grinned, as he looked through his memory card.

"why u have pics from me like that?! am i sleeping in that?!" "uhm....yeah????" "creep!" tae laughed. "i am curious and a photographer, so ... yeah!" "at least ask me" "okay, yoongi? can i please take pics from u, when u dont know that i do?" "i dont think...." "come on" "why?" "cause u are beautiful and u look natural when u dont know" again blushed cheeks. how cute! tae fastly took another.

after 2 weeks they were the perfect team. yoongi walked with tae up the mountains, into the woods, helped him carry all the stuff tae needed. he never complained. he enjoyed their time together and he loved to watch tae taking breathtaking pictures of their surroundings.

tae even inspired him to write some songs. they werent gloomy and dark, they were light and happy.

"how long u wanna stay here?" "how long u need" "huh?" "told u its healing here. i ll stay as long as u want and need" yoongis eyes were flooded by sudden tears. "did i upset u? sorry...." tae was shut down by yoongis body. he hugged him. "oh.... its okay." tae chuckled and patted yoongis back. he swayed left to right with the body and hummed. yoongi backed back, tilted his head and gently pressed his lips onto taes. taes eyes were big, but he kissed back, hungryly, rough, passionate. yoongi lost his breaths. tae heaved him up, gestured him to wrap his legs around taes waist and walked them to the bed. yoongi lost the idea of time, he was naked in seconds, he couldnt even get a full look on taes naked body, tae layed on him fastly, teased and devoured him, made him again breathless, restless, horny, loved, calm, giddy, excited, happy, in all.... just amazing. he felt amazing. finally in tune with himself and now with tae.

taes mouth sucked from the neck down to the nipples, down the pale body, the nable, the base of his dick, the dick up to the tip, teased there a bit, licked down the sides, to the balls, sucked the balls in, played with the tongue with them, pressed against the spot between the balls and hole, made yoongi see stars and gave tae a nice arousing moan. tae sucked and nipped on the hole, enjoyed the movements and sounds of yoongi, fingered him open and licked his lips in anticipation. his face came up to yoongi again and kissed him breathless again. gently he pressed his tip into yoongi, slowed down, pressed harder until he hit the base. yoongis hips snapped up, he gave sounds out.....

taes pov again:

i couldnt...... stop.

he made me crazy. i had to try hard not to go beserk on him. gosh it was so so hard not to. i containt myself and stayed at a moderate pace. yoongi reacted so fine, so good, so sexy. i couldnt stop, i wouldnt stop.....

"if u dont go faster, i will....." the magic words. now .... it was his fault! he wanted it! so i gave it to him!

with force i pushed my hips into his, almost melted from his sounds. he was the perfect.... guy, creature, lover..... for me. i wanted to stay here, hidden from the world. only the two of us.

he sucked me in and heaved his body up. he came without a sound, but with an open mouth. fell back limp and let me fuck him for a bit, until i came too. smeared him full with my juice too.

still searching for air, i pulled his head on my chest. "we should at least stay here for a few weeks longer" he husked out. i only could grin. "yeah.... we should"

sorry, its a bit short! i hope i can finish vhope or jintae today. we ll see! have a great day!

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