Chapter 1

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This is the sequel of Killings the answer so read that first or y'all be lost as fuck Kk just so yah know bye now enjoy

"they're, they're here!" she stutters in fear

"who, whos there" i ask her

"they want you! They're looking for you and they wont stop until they have you" i hear as she screams and i'm cut off. oh my god whats happening. I put the kid down and run my fingers threw my hair.

"Oh my god" I start pacing back and forth and Jeff gets up grabbing me by my waist and turning me towards him

"What's wrong" he says worried and I look at him crazy eyed

"Something's wrong at the mansion we have to go back we have to!" I say and Vicky walks towards me

"You can't leave it's not safe" I get angry flaming angry. that's my sister and family and she won't let me leave!

"That's my family the only one I've had. Something's wrong, you need to let me see if they're okay" just as I said that I heard a body fall on the ground behind Jeff I turn fast and see Nersi on the floor bloody. Running over I kneel down

"Please... help" she stutters trying to get up her hair falling in her face. "They toke everyone I couldn't fight them... I wasn't strong enough" she says then she falls again. Jeff and I help her to a couch and lay her down as she cough up blood.

"We need to help her before she dies" I say looking around as the old lady gets up and walks over.

"This is going to hurt don't move" she says honestly as she places two hands on her belly and everything goes dark. when the light comes back Nersi looks fine she's not coughing up blood or anything she's fine. the old lady's on the floor and Vicky walks over

"Don't touch her she'll be fine" she says and I realize that her power is healing, as I move towards Nersi. I sit next to her

"Nersi, what happened" I ask and she begins to tell me

Nersi's POV (before they came)

I was on the couch watching T.V next to Sally we both fit on the rather large one setter. We are watching My Little Pony which I don't mind as long as I'm not bored.

Nadine is sitting on Jacks lap his mask lifted up as they make out. oh god it's like there never gonna stop not even to breath. next to them is Toby and Clock who happen to be asleep. Clock curled up on Toby's lap sound asleep as Toby's head rests on his shoulder his arms still rapped around her. It's kind of cute if I say so myself

"Oh fuck not this again are you guys ever gonna breath* Ben says walking in and looking at them. they don't say anything it even move they just keep kissing until Nadine rests her forehead on his and takes a gasp of breath

"I love you" she breaths and he smiles

"I love you too" it's kind of odd to hear a kill tell someone else he loves them but I accept it and move on. before I leave.

I walk down stairs to Masky's room and knock on the door "who is it" he says and I try to sound louder then I normally am but it fails

"Ah it's Nersi" I say as he comes and unlocks the door

"Hi" he says and I smile

"Hey, whatcha up too" I say

"Nothing just laying down wanna come in" he says stepping aside and I walk in. he plops down on the bed back on his back. I only now realized he had no shirt on which I wouldn't blame him since he's in his own room. "what can I help you with" he says and I lay back not close to him at all

"I was bored and tired if watching Nadine and Jack mack" I said and he laughs

"Yeah it's a little much after a while" he says moving closer to me and I let it happen. he moves until were touching and I turn resting my head on his chest as he raps his arm around me

"Yeah" I say in his chest as he rubs my back and kisses my forehead. we cuddle for what seems like hours I almost fell asleep until the whole house shakes with a boom.

Jolting up with Masky we run to the door opening it and running up to the living room. there are these black things they look like black blobs. they all start attacking us as we try to fight this darkness. everyone's fighting it until we get swallowed.

Isabel's POV (now)

"I tried to save them I-I couldn't I'm sorry" she says a tear falling down her face and I see she cared. I get up running my hands threw my hair and I pipe up every so quietly.

"Can I take a shower" I say and Jeff comes over holding me from behind.

"Do you want me to come" he says and I nod as Vicky walks toward me

"Of course, you will be staying in the basement there's a shower and towels down there I can get you guys both some cloths and leave them on the bed" I smile faintly and nod walking to where she leads me holding Jeff's hand. Not wanting to let go.

When we get down stairs Vicky walks to a door and opens it to a huge room there's a king sized bed with drapes around it deep purple walls soft carpet huge wood dresser flat screen tv on the wall a huge chair and a desk with a rolly chair.

Vicky walks over to the dresser and opens it. the dresser is full if new not worn cloths theatres new bras underwear, shirts, pants, pjs, dresses, sweaters, boxers socks and shit like that. "you pick the towels are in the bathroom. See you guys tomorrow sleep well. I'll leave the key on the hook" she said hanging the key on the hook and locking the door befit closing it.

I walked to the dresser and pulled out big blank baggy pj pants and a black fuzzy sweater as well as a pear of matching bra and thongs. Jeff smiled at me and I blushed putting the cloths on the bed and exploring the huge bathroom. it was nice the tube was on it's own in the middle and the shower was huge in a corner just a stand up one it was pretty. it had two sinks two mirrors and it was pretty as well. There was a tall thin closet full of clean towels soaps cream and hair products. Grabbing soap, towels, shampoo, conditioner and scrub I began to undress turning on the water as Jeff walked in.

He too got undressed and hoped in with me I washed up pretty fast and just sat down thinking and stressing. I do this a lot in the shower Jeff knows that so he works around it until he's done then sits in front of me holding my hand under the warm water. "baby, everything will be fine" he says and I sigh

"Are you sure...what if we lose everyone" I say

"No what ifs" he says kissing me and I nod "we should get out and head to bed" he says and he stands up helping me up and turning off the water. as he gets out and drys him self I do the same then rap the towel around me and grab a brush from under the sink to brush out this mess and brad it to the side. I walk out and get dressed throwing out bloody stuff in the laundry hamper.

I click the lights off and climb in bed the moon shining in my face. I like it tho it's nice. I close my eyes and cuddle next to Jeff "Is" he says with his half asleep raspy voice.

"Yes" I answer

"I love you" he says and I smile

"I love you too sexy" I say drifting off to sleep.

Somewhere in the dark

"Hello guys are you there I'm scared" says Sally crying

"Over here Sally follow our voices" says Ben and Jack in the group with everyone else

"I can't" she says shuttering as an arm grabs her and we know it slendy

"Is everyone here now" he booms

"Yes" they answer in unison

"Now we have to find out where we are and find a way out if this darkness before something finds us" he says to all of them raising and arm and putting Sally down.


There it is hope he like it ima go to bed now I'm so tired tell he whatcha think byeee

Destroy them all~Jeff the kill love story part 2 (finished)Where stories live. Discover now