The aftermath

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Ok so I'm updating and you can all thank my annoying friends for it.

But I thought if a way to get back at them *devilish smirk*

Here are their wattpad profile names

TriceAnn and BlakeG092
So go and torture or fallow then for me

P.S. the second profile name is of my friend that's the fanboy.


Dean and Cas woke up to find that they were entangled with each other, they both smiled at the memory of the night before. Dean was behind Cas spooning him. he nuzzled his face into the back of Cas's neck and placed a light kiss there.

"Mmm, morning Dean." Cas said his voice deep and throaty from sleep. It made Dean slightly hard but he shook it off.

"Morning angel." Dean said with a smirk.

"What time is it?" Cas asked as he tried to unsuccessfully stretch with Dean's arms around him. Dean chuckled before looking at the clock on his night stand.

"Just a little after nine." He said with a yawn. Cas snuggled closer to dean before sighing.

"I have to go home." He said with a pout. He spun around to look at Dean with his pout still there. Dean chuckled as he kissed Cas's pouted lip making Cas smile with a giggle.

"Maybe we could go to the movies or something." Dean suggested as he cracked his neck making Cas flinch.

"Don't do that, and yea a movie sounds perfect but what about our pain in the ass little brothers?" Cas managed to say with a straight face. Dean shook his head and rolled his eyes but smiled non the less.

"We'll take them with us."

"Alright." Cas said with a shrug. "but we're sitting on opposite sides of the theater because Gabe likes to throw stuff." Dean sighed at this.

"Of course he does, but hopefully with any luck he won't embarrass us because he'll be to concentrated on trying to swallow my brothers face." Cas gaged

"Ugh, thanks for that mental image." he said with a scrunched up face. Dean smiled as he kissed Cas's nose.

"Your welcome, now let's go." Dean slipped out of bed and as he was headed towards where his bag was he heard a choked breath.

Dean turned around to see Cas's face flushed as he stared at Dean. that's when Dean relived he was butt naked, he blushed slightly before smirking.

"Liking the view Cas?" He questioned with a wink. Of course Cas being the awkward person he is sputtered and choked on air. Dean smirked before turning around and fishing out some boxers, he slipped them on and turned back around.

"Better?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, Cas's face was beat red and he looked like a deer caught in head lights. Suddenly his face calmed and he eyed Dean.

"Kind of liked the view better before." He said as he started to get up. Dean of bit his lip and groaned when he saw Cas's naked body. Cas smirked as he raised and eyebrow.

"What's the matter Winchester?" He asked with fake innocence. Dean rolled his eyes and turned around.

"Go get dressed." He grumbled trying to get his red face under control.


Of course Sam and Gabe had woken up an entirely different way. Sam beig the early riser he was woke up first and admired his sleeping boyfriends face for a little before smiling and getting up. He slipped on a pair of boxers and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast.

No more then ten minutes later Gabriel came stumbling into the kitchen. He took a minute to admire his boyfriend cooking in his underwear before goin g and sitting at the table where resumed staring at Sam.

"It's not nice to stare." Sam called over his shoulder as he continued to flip a pancake. Gabriel smirked before answering.

"And it's not nice to look as hot as you and not allow me to ravish it this morning." He said as he winked when Sam turned to look at him before grabbing apple juice out of the refrigerator.

"Sorry about that but I wanted to make my boyfriend breakfast." he said proudly as he flipped the bacon.

"We'll as long as I get to eat and ten ravish I'm fine with it." Sam blushed as he smiled at Gabriel's words. he fished making the food and brought it to the table, where he set two plates down for him and Gabe. The scarfed down their food before placing the dishes in the sink. They went upstairs to get dressed but before Sam could even close the door it was being slammed shut and he was being pushed up against it.

"Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to not attack you when we were in the there." He said as he started kissing Sam's neck. Sam groaned as he flung his head back giving Gabe more room. Gabriel smiled as he kissed down Sam's bare chest. He stopped and attached his mouth to Sam's nipple before doing the the same to the other one.

He continued his journey down before he was on his knees palming Sam erection through his boxers. He hooked his finger in the elastic before pulling it down slowly teasing Sam.

"Gabe, baby please." Sam pleaded as he banged his head on the door. Gabriel quickly tugged Sam's boxers down the rest of the way before kissing the tip. He licked from the base of Sam's cock all the at to the tip. He placed another kiss at the tip before taking it in his mouth.

He hallowed his checks taking more of Sam in. He bobbed his head besides swallowing around Sam. He heard Sam curse as he tangled his fingers in Gabe's hair. Gabe lapped at the tip before takin Sam's cock all the way in deep throating his. He swallowed again before Sam groaned.

"I-I'm cumming!" Sam shouted before a few curses slipped out along with games name as Sam came in Gabriel's mouth. Gabe swallowed it all as he stood up and kissed Sam.

"Let's get dressed our brothers should be here soon." Gabe said belfre walking over to his bag and taking some fresh cloths out.

They got dresses quickly and went to watch cartoons snuggled on the couch waiting for their brothers.

Dean and Cas showed up half an hour later. Dean snuck up behind them and screamed in their ears causing them to fall on the floor. Dean was laughing his head off while Cas stood their looking apologetic.

Cas walked foreword and slapped Dean's arm.

"Apologize or no sex for a week." he whispered in dean's ear. Dean gaped at him before looking down and muttering an apology.

"Wow Cas I've never heard my brother apologize before, I guess we know how wears the pants in the relationship." Sam said as he pick himself up off the floor. he stuck his hand out of Gabe who gratefully took it and pulled himself up.

"Shut up." Dean growled at Sam. Sam and Gabe were laughing as Cas chuckled from next to him.

"Whatever I'm going to go unpack." Dean said as he walked towards his room. Cas rolled his eyes.

"Were going to the movies in a little if you guys want to come along." Cas said with a smile before heading towards Dean's room.


Alright guys so I got lazy and didn't feel like finishing it but I swear I'll give more details about their lives in the next chapter.

So anyway who's excited for supernatural. It airs in a week

I'm so excited

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