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Tears blurred my eyes. I couldn't lose Jason. Roger ran towards Jason and I. "Anne! I am so sorry." He said. I couldn't bring myself to even look at him. "Anne!" he said cupping my face. "what!" I yelled. "Anne look. There's no blood." he said softly. I wiped my tears and looked at Jason's chest. Roger was right. there was no blood. I tore open his shirt.

 "oh my God!" I said in shock, more like relief. Jason was wearing a bulletproof jacket. He wasn't going to die! He was safe! "he's okay Anne!" Roger said comfortingly. I was so relieved. "did you know?" I asked. Roger nodded. "Jason managed to lift his t-shirt to expose his bulletproof jacket enough for me to spot it. That's why I shot him." he answered.

I pulled out the bullet from Jason's chest. He opened his eyes and smiled. "sorry I couldn't tell you earlier." He whispered. "it's okay. You're okay and that's what matters." he said as he brushed his thumb across my tear stained cheek. "I'm sorry too, Anne. Harper was watching us like a hawk, so I couldn't do anything." Roger told me.

 "it's fine. I am just glad all three of us are okay." I replied before bending down to kiss Jason's forehead. Sirens filled the air. "that's the police!" Mason cried out. But he and Jane were not able to move.

Harper on the other hand stood up clutching his arm. He smirked at us before running away. I got up and ran after him. I wasn't going to get away this easily. "Anne! Where are you going?" I heard Jason called. "I have to get him!" I yelled as I made my way out. "sort everything with the police. Don't let the other two escape. I'll call you." I said as I picked up the pace.

 Harper was running into the woods, into Jacksonville. I ran as fast as I could to catch him. the distance between Harper and I were was increasing. I just couldn't let him get away. I pushed my feet further, as fast as they could go.

I ran through tall trees, pushing bushes behind me, jumping over roots. Slowly I began gaining on Harper, "Harper! Stop or I'll shoot!" I yelled. he turned back, smirked at me, and picked up pace, clutching his arm. Out of nowhere, I heard a loud scream. When I reached the spot, I found Harper lying on the ground.

"got him!" Enzo said waving his stun gun in front of me. "how did you get here?" I asked incredulously. "always with the questions." He rolled his eyes. "never with the answers." I taunted. "let's go. I know a place where we can keep him." he said ignoring my question.

He bent down and picked Harper from one side. "helping or are you just gonna stand and watch?" he asked raising his eyebrows. I picked Harper from the other side. "damn he weighs a ton!' I exclaimed. "come on. Just a little further." Enzo replied. "where are we going?" I asked. he ignored my question as usual. After a quick three-minute walk, we reached a small cabin. "how do you know about this place?" I asked again. "I promise to answer all of your questions if you just shut up right now and do as I say." He replied. I rolled my eyes.

We entered the wooden cabin. It had a small cot pressed to the side of the wall, a cupboard, and a small table with two chairs. There was another door at the back of the room, which I am assuming was a bathroom. We placed Harper onto the bed. "pull out the chair." Enzo instructed. "where's my please?" I asked raising my eyebrow. "you lost your please when I decided to risk my ass to help you." he replied heading towards the back of the cabin. I placed a chair in the centre of the room. Enzo came back with a bunch of ropes. He plopped Harper onto the chair. I helped him tied up Harper onto the chair.

We tied his arms onto the armrests of the chair, then tied up is ankles. As guilty as I felt doing this, I knew it had to be done. People like Harper don't change. Enzo brought a huge bucket of water and poured it all on Harper. Harper opened his eyes and gasped for breath. He darted his eyes straight towards me. I looked him in his eyes. All I could see, was my tortured past. Those weeks, I suffered all because him. his constant, unnecessary abuses. All that pain I went through. plus, him being involved in Mel's death. Not to mention, trying to kill Roger, Jason, our parents and me.

Anger replaced hurt. This time, I was going to be the strong girl everyone knows me to be. I was going to face all my hidden demons. "how were you involved in Mel's murder?" I questioned sharply. He turned his gaze towards Enzo. "you know what he is capable of doing right? one word, and your dead." He laughed. Enzo froze slightly next to me. "what's he talking about Enzo?" I asked. "Anne, I am involved in some deep shit, I cannot tell you what it is. If I do, he'll kill me." Enzo said.

"we can go to the police. They will protect us!" I told him. "I cannot Anne. I swore I wouldn't. Plus his men would kill me even if I lingered around a station." He sighed. "who is this He?" Enzo kept his mouth shut. "he is your worst nightmare!" Harper said laughing like a madman. "either you tell me who this He is, or I call the police." I threatened. "I'll be out of jail before even you know it." Harper replied.

My phone rang. The id showed it was Jason. "hello?" "Anne! Where are you?" a worried Jason asked. "I am in a cabin in the woods." "where? We are coming to get you." he asked. "it's a ten-minute walk, a straight path from the mansion." Enzo informed me. I repeated the same to Jason. "is that Enzo I heard in the background!?" he yelled into the phone.

"yes, it is. I am safe with Enzo. We have Harper here, tied up." I admitted. "what! How the f*ck are you safe with Enzo and Harper in the same room?" he cried out. He was so loud, that Enzo was able to hear every single word he said. Enzo pulled the phone from my hand. "relax Jason. Anne is safe. I promise I won't let anything happen to her." he said calmly and handed the phone back to me. "are you okay?" Jason asked softly. "yes, I am worrywart." I laughed softly into the phone. "sit tight okay? We'll be there in a few minutes." Jason said. "yupp!" and I kept the phone.

"Anne, I need you to go over every detail of how you finally found Roger. I wish I could tell you everything myself, but I cannot." Enzo told me. "you are a smart girl. I am sure you'll figure it out. Ask Roger to try and recall every small detail of when he was kidnapped. Harper is not alone. He is being backed-up by someone not only powerful, but also very smart. That guy needs to be caught. He went after your best friends and nothing will stop him from going after your parents just for Harper's revenge." He added.

"but why would someone help Harper?" I asked as I turned my nose up in disgust. "believe it or not girly, I saved his life once. Now, he'll do anything to save my ass." Harper grinned wickedly. "helping Jane and Mason was just one of my tactics to try and harm you. Remember when you were chased from the hospital? That was also me. oh! And if the police wouldn't have set up spikes, my men you have finished you and Melissa that very day." he added.

Harper! My own uncle tried to kill me on multiple occasions! I never even thought it could be him. Even though Mel's killers were caught, this case was still not over. This case would only be over once Harper, and that guy helping wrong doers like Mason and Jane were behind bars. Only then would all of us be safe. No one else was going to get hurt anymore. And I was going to make sure of that.

Minutes ticked by and finally Roger and Jason arrived at the cabin. "Harper, Harper." Jason said. "what are you up to now?" Harper ignored Jason. Instead his eyes were glued onto Roger's. "who would have thought my own uncle and your twin brother and real mother would so something like this to us?" I sighed. 

"no one would have thought about this Anne. This is what happens When Blood Runs Bad." Roger replied grimly.

Author's note: Jason is alive, SURPRISE! I wasn't that mean to kill him off. Harper is caught, Enzo is helping Anne, so he isn't a bad guy AND you know what happens when blood runs bad!!!! But the book is still not over!!

Somebody is helping Harper to bring Anne down, so now she needs to find the mystery man. Will she succeed? Or will she move on in her life?

Don't worry. There's gonna be more ;) a lil heads up- the next chapter is going to be in Roger's POV! so please do check it out once it's up!

Also, When Blood Runs Bad has touched the 1.4K readers mark!!! WHOHOOOOOO!! feels amazing! if you're living anywhere in the world, other than Mumbai, India, drop in your city/state/country. Would love to get to know you guys!!!! Love you all <3 Also Gigi and Zayn's daughter was born today!!! its sooo amazing!!!!

VOTE! COMMENT all possible theories, be expressive! Please do SHARE the story! Feel free to reach out here or on Instagram- @ri_anna.writes. I have uploaded pictures of outfits, the mansion and character descriptions, so go check that out!!

 Until next time, love love. 

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