Chapter 7

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I turned when I heard a door behind me and instantly regretted it as Daniel was resituating himself as he left the girl's room. One of them lack stamina... wonder which... I shook the thought, I didn't want to know. I picked up my pace to wait in the foyer.

"Need the car Ms. Sharon?"

I turned to see the same boy that took the keys. "No, thank you and Sharon is fine."

He smiled. "If that's what you prefer."

I nodded. "And your name?"

He held out his hand. "Roger, at your service."

I glanced at it and back at him, he seemed nice, so I took it. "Thank you, Mr. Roger."

He laughed, not letting go then bent forward. I snatched my hand away, frowning. "Sorry, but Roger is fine."

I backed away from him slowly. "Okay..."

"Roger... get the town car."

I jumped at the annoyance in his voice, but Roger just smiled at him. Really need to get a handle on that. "Right away sir."

Daniel looked at me with contempt. "What was that?"

I looked at him curiously. "Introductions... if I have to ask him for the car, I should probably know his name."

He sighed, relaxing. "Okay."

I took a couple of steps away from him. "I'm ready! I'm so excited to go shopping. Will you help m..."

I tuned the other girl out as we went to the driveway, she was entirely to perky and talkative. I took the chance to put in my earphones while they were distracted. A shiny black Mercedes pulled in front of us and I sighed as I reached for the back door handle only for hands to wave in front of my face, making me turn the music down.

I poked my lips out and glared at Daniel. "Allow me."

I rolled my eyes. "What my hands too dirty to touch your fancy cars?"

He flexed his jaw. "We discussed your tongue." I pressed my lips together and averted my gaze, letting him open the door for me. I narrowed my eyes when it was the passenger door.

I glanced at the other girl, who was openly frowning. "I think she wants to sit there."

He held his tongue between his teeth. "Get in, you're wasting time." I sighed and slid into the soft leather seats. But I'm making his life difficult. His preferential treatment is going to get me killed.

He opened the back door for her and she shoved her knees into the back of my seat as she got in. I ignored her and remembered what she told me yesterday. She was going to be the one he chose and I would return to the hell hole I came from.

When he got in she slid her hands across his chest. "This is a nice car, Daddy."

My hand reflexively went to my mouth as I suddenly felt nauseous. "Are you okay?" I nodded and quickly returned my music to normal volume to avoid hearing any more.

As he pulled off I could faintly still hear the girl talking. Doesn't she get tired of hearing herself? I was startled awake when I felt my hair being pulled and glared in the back seat. I freed an ear. "Do you have a problem?"

Her eyes widened. "No... I just... it looked soft."

I licked my lips, soft my ass. "You'd do well not to touch me again."

She held up her hands and looked at the driver for aid. "I'm sorry... I didn't..."

I rolled my eyes as I turned back around. "You've been warned."

I crossed my arms and glared out the window. "Thought I had a temper."

I glanced at Daniel. "Wake up to your hair being snatched and see how you feel."

He chuckled as the girl gasped. "Well, Cindy... I suggest we not let that happen again."

"Yes, sir..."


Cerulean snapping at Cindy only made me more attracted to her. She clearly wasn't one to go running from a fight, but I knew that already. I glanced at her staring holes into the window. I almost preferred watching her sleep peacefully.  Her reaction when her head was jerked back was instant and glorious.

I glanced at Cindy looking like a whipped puppy in the backseat. If she pushed her luck she'd get worse than a tongue lashing. I thought for a moment... if she was going to give my Cerulean problems, she couldn't stay. Wait... my Cerulean?

Shit, I was getting too attached in less that 34 hrs no less. I shook the thoughts as we made it to a mall a few towns over, less likely to be seen, didn't want a repeat of before. My excuse was lame when I was talking to Richard, but the damage was done.

Cerulean got out on her own much to my annoyance. Impatient much? I would need to turn on her child lock, she already tried to bolt once. I let Cindy out and she smiled sweetly at me, leaning forward for a kiss. I shook my head at her and she pouted.

Had it been the other girl, I wouldn't have thought twice about it, but that was probably never going to happen. She walked at a distance behind us, listening to music, not paying us any mind. When we got there Cindy perked up and pulled me towards Victoria's Secret. "Let's find something you'll like."

I inwardly groaned. Why did they all feel the need to do this?

I glanced back to see Cerulean looking up at the sign the slightest look of disgust on her face. She followed us in and disappeared somewhere, I couldn't keep track of her because Cindy kept asking my opinions on things. To be honest I was more interested in what Cerulean would be choosing.

I gave quick responses and the girl took forever. "Want me to try them on for you?"

The store reps who were already sending us disapproving looks rolled their eyes. "No... you can try them on without me." Again, if it had been the other girl... I sighed. Maybe separate trips would have been better, to two different malls.

Finally, we walked out and I spotted Cerulean nibbling on a pretzel watching the door. Bags were already at her feet and I frowned. "Couldn't wait?"

She glanced at the clock in the center of the mall. "It's been 3 hours. Plus... I doubt we have the same tastes in stores."

I sighed and glared at Cindy who was looking around for somewhere else to go. "Where'd you get the money t-"

She rolled her eyes. "Kidnappers are stupid... had all my stuff in my bags, so I have some money."

"Hey! Let's go there!"

Cerulean looked amused. "Give me the keys, I'll take my stuff to the car, so you two can have your fun."

I frowned as my arm was grabbed. "We ca-"

She chuckled as I was being dragged away. "Don't worry... I won't drive off."

Planting my feet, I looked at Cindy. "Wait a minute."

She pouted. "Sorry, I thought you wanted..."

I closed my eyes annoyed and narrowed them at Cerulean, still picking at her pretzel. "We can all drop the stuff off at the car."

She pursed her lips at her food. "So unnecessary..." I raised my eyebrows at her, which made her roll her eyes. "Do what you want, but I'll carry my own bags."

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