Chapter 12

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The job was easy enough, but I did hate desk work. I glanced at the time for the hundredth time since I got there. Juanita had left me to my own devices after speaking with Daniel, saying she felt I had a good concept of what to do. So, now I was here just waiting on calls until I had to make my meeting. May need to leave early... buses suck...

I glanced up when a door opened and inwardly groaned as Daniel neared the desk. "Can I help you with anything, Mr. Calahan?"

He raised his eyebrows. "It's only us here."

I pursed my lips. "At work."

When his gaze lingered below my throat I cleared it. He pouted when he looked at my face, making me frown. "My face is up here, don't you have something productive to be doing?"

He smirked. "Not at the moment... you didn't drive here."

I sat back and tapped my pen on the desk. "That's not a question."

He sighed. "How are you getting to the school?"

"That's none of your concern..."

That earned me a frown. "You're not taking the bus."

I tilted my head. "What's stopping me?"

He clenched his jaw, he made this too easy. "Cerulean..." I raised my eyebrows. "Take the car and I'll drive you home when I finish up."

Shit... "The home part is not necessary."

His frown deepened. "Why?"

I sighed. "Someone is coming to get me after work... got some stuff to do."

He narrowed his eyes. "Who?"


He approached the desk. "Who, Cerulean?"

I licked my lips, not liking he chose to stand over me. "That's really none of your fucking business. Step back."

His eyes widened as his jaw flexed, but he backed up a few paces. "That's no way to speak to your boss."

I arched an eyebrow. "You treat all of your employees this way?"

He bit his lip. "No."

I laced my fingers over my stomach. "If you won't speak to me as your employee then I won't speak to you like my boss."

He pressed his lips together and put his keys on the desk. "Take the car to your meeting." He didn't give me time to respond as he retreated back into his office. I stared at them for a full 30 minutes, deciding.

I hated buses, but hopefully my car situation would be rectified soon. I slowly grabbed them off the desk. "One time, that's it."


That girl had more balls than all of my employees put together and it only served to make my situation worse. I debated going out just to make sure she took the car, but decided against it. It would only add fuel to her stubborn ass fire.

Why did she insist on making things so difficult? It was just a car. I pursed my lips, wonder who was coming for her after work. I'd be pissed if it was a guy, I couldn't deny it, but once again with me being in my predicament, I couldn't say much.

I answered the phone as it rang. "Uh... Mr. Calahan, there's a girl trying to steal yo-"

"Steal? Don't make me laugh."

"Ma'am, please don't... stay in the ca-"

A car door slammed.  "Nope, since this is such a fucking hassle, the bus it is. I'm sure he'll be grateful."

My heart sank. "I'll call the police!"

"Don't do that."

"Go ahead, maybe they'll give me a lift."

"Calvin, I let her burrow my car, don't let her leave otherwise."


"Just do it, before sh-"

"Ma'am, he sa-"

"I don't give a damn. Should have set that up before now." Her voice was fading fast.

I groaned, damn this girl. "I'm coming, just try to keep her there."


"Uh?  what do you mean uh."

"She may be gone already."

I clenched my jaw. "I'm on my way." I was massaging my temples. "She's going to make me kill her. I know it. She just ca-" I stopped muttering when the doors of the elevator opened and I rushed to the gates. "Where is she?"

Calvin paled. "Sh... sh... she went towards the bus stop..."

I pressed my lips together, I didn't have time to correct him right now. "Next time, just let her go." He quickly nodded and I jumped in the car.

I cursed when I saw the bus, pulled over, and rushed to catch Cerulean's arm. She glared at me. "I suggest you let me go."

I took slow breaths. "Take the car."


She tried to pull away as the bus stopped in front of us. "Cerulean..."

She glanced up at it. "If you don't want to cause a scene Mr. Calahan, I suggest you release me."

I wanted to drag her ass to the car, but knowing her, she really would cause a scene and we'd both end up in jail. "He was just doing his job."

She shrugged. "I don't care, now let me go before I'm la-"

"Is everything okay young lady?"

I froze as she smiled at an elderly woman. "It would be wonderful, if I didn't miss this bus."

You're fucking kidding me right? "If you would just drive the car this wouldn't be an issue."

She glared at me. "If I wasn't accused of stealing it, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now.  Let me go."

The old lady chuckled. "You're a cute couple. Just take the car dear, much better than a bus any day."

I smiled at her, I liked the sound of that. "Thank you ma'am at least somebody is reasonable."

Cerulean gaped. "First, there is no couple. Second, yo-" The bus pulled off and her head fell. "Thanks a fucking lot..."

I smirked. "Car is still available."

She glared at me, tears in her eyes. "My answer is still no. I'm going back to work."

I threw my hands up and groaned. "Why the fuck not? It's just a car."

She balled her fists. "You just don't fucking get it. It's my choice, mine, not yours. I won't let you or anyone else force me into anything again. Now, I have a call to make and I'm going back to work."

I closed my eyes and sighed. Wasn't expecting that... "Don't... just wait." I gently caught her arm. "Maybe I went about this wrong..."

She looked down at my hand then up at me, so I let her go. "I don't want you to miss whatever you got going on... would you like to borrow my car until you get back?"

She bit her lip and checked the time. "Looks like I don't have a choice... you'll have a full tank when I get back." I handed her the keys, noting that she hesitated before taking them. "I can take you ba-"

I shook my head. "Go do what you have to. I need the exercise."

She sighed and turned to go. "Thanks..."

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