Chapter 22

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I watched as the man two tables over seemed to be in distress, holding his chest. I was mildly aware of the chatter around me as I placed my order and he paled slightly. When he grimaced as he clutched his left arm, I went to check it out.

Luckily, I got there as he started to fall out of his chair and helped guide him to the floor. "Sir?" He wasn't breathing. Fuck...

I worked fast, putting my training to use. He had no pulse that I could feel so I started chest compressions looking at the waiter who came up. "Get your AED. Call an ambulance. " He hesitated. "Now!"

I pushed hard until his female companion pushed me out of the way. "Charles!"

I grabbed her shoulder. "I need you to move." I jumped his chest again, but she kept trying to move me. "Ma'am... I mean no disrespect, but step the fuck back unless you know CPR."

She froze and fell back as a kit was brought over. Daniel was in front of me. "What do you need me to do?"

I smirked. "May want to lose the jacket, but when I say go... take this over, push fast and deep, if anything feels like it snaps, ignore it."

He looked terrified, but nodded as he took off his coat. I stopped and ripped open the man's dress shirt. "Go." His eyes were wide as he start and I ripped open the kit, impressed that they had a face mask. I put a pad on his side. "Stop."

When his hands moved I put on the second pad and tilted his chin up to give two breaths as the machine started talking. "Clear, stay back." The machine gave the order to shock. "Clear."

I started compressions again counting to thirty. "After I give two bre-"

"I can do the breaths."

I glanced up at the man and nodded, starting to count out loud. "29, 30..."

I paused and watched his chest rise twice before going again. "You're doing good."

I smiled and nodded at the man again. "29, 30..." I saw the person's chest move on it's own and checked for a carotid pulse as the guy gave breaths. I shook the man. "Sir? He's has a pulse..." I dug my knuckles into his chest and he moaned.

I smirked. "Well, he's alive..."

The man chuckled. "Took him long enough."

I rolled my eyes as his eyes fluttered open and he focused on me. "Who are you?"

I smiled politely. "Cerulean... should probably tell you that before I start ripping your clothes off."

He looked around in shock. "Wha-"

The man pat his shoulder. "You went into cardiac arrest, but we got you back."

I sighed as I heard commotion behind me. "The rescue squad will take it from here, okay?" He nodded and I stepped aside so they could do their thing.

A hand landed on my shoulder. "Starting a few hours early?"

I smiled at the man. "I got a work out and didn't even get paid... it's a sad day."

He chuckled. "May need a new shirt, a little sweaty there."

I pat his back. "Care to help a girl out?" I followed him to his truck, watching as the man was loaded up into the ambulance. As he pulled out a shirt I unbuttoned mine and looked at the back and front of his. It held the name of the company and an ambulance on the back. "You're not getting this back."

He laughed. "Just met and stealing my clothes already?"

I shrugged after I put it on. "Looks better on me."

He shook his head. "See you later kid."

I nodded and the man who helped out was waiting outside the restaurant with one of the men that interviewed me for the scholarship. He smiled. "Impressive display."

I shook my head. "It's my job."

He nodded. "This... is Dr. Zaveed."

I smiled. "Nice to meet you though... not under the best circumstances."

He laughed. "We saved a life together, what could be a better introduction?"

I smirked. "True."

He glanced back at where Daniel and his family were watching. "Looks like you have a full party, but meet me here tomorrow so we can talk."

I held out my hand and he shook it. "Gladly."


Everyone was shell shocked, but Cerulean acted like this was a normal thing. She smiled as she approached. "That's one of the doctors at the college. I'll need some time for lunch tomorrow to talk to him."

I glanced between them. "Uh... okay?"

She smirked. "Be proud... you helped save a life today, Mr. Calahan."

Diedra grabbed her hands. "That was... amazing. How did you know?"

She tilted her head. "I've been an EMT for 2 years..."

She beamed as my dad looked away. "Never would have guessed."

She pressed her lips together. "I... should get back to work. It was nice to see you all."

I wanted to stop her, I really wanted to kiss her, she was brilliant, but I nodded. "See you there."

She nodded and left as Diedra wrapped herself around my arm, watching her, proud. "She didn't eat. You should bring her something."

Her words pulled me from watching Cerulean walk away. "Sure, let's try and eat ourselves."

As I sat my mind was racing, she didn't look like she was headed for an emergency, hell, she didn't talk like the man was dying. I was terrified, still trembling from pressing into that man's chest. Then once he was back, her, the doctor, and the EMT were making jokes of all things. This was nothing to them or... it seemed like it.

"That girl thought that man dying was funny. Should tell her name before ripping his clothes off. Ridiculous."

I frowned at my father. "Looked like everyone in that field was doing the same. The doctor said it took him long enough to come back."

He narrowed his eyes. "You're defending her."

Diedra sighed. "She saved the man's life. Why are you trying to make her look bad?"

He scoffed. "Daniel helped."

I chuckled darkly and stood. "I'm headed back."

My wife smiled. "Be sure to get her something."

"Why?! I'm sure she's fine on her own."

I glared at my father, unsure what he had against her. "She was by that man's side before he even hit the ground, then worked to save his life, I didn't do nearly as many of those chest compressions and I'm beat. She helped save a life and all you want to do is disrespect her. I won't listen to it."

I stormed out, trying to calm my nerves. How the fuck does she do this? I still felt on edge from the whole incident and that didn't help at all. I shook my head and stopped by a small bakery on my way. I'll have to ask.

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