Rebecca and Marion

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Rebecca is a very friendly and polite tender engine. She was recently employed on the Fat Controller's Railway to help with Gordon's heavy workload. 

Gordon was very happy to have his old friend, Alice working with him again and this made Rebecca feel both delighted and a little left out. 

One day, Rebecca saw Gordon and Alice pulling two passenger Express trains together. 

"Hello, Rebecca! Bye, Rebecca!" 

They whistled happily as they steamed away. 

Rebecca smiled faintly as they left Knapford Station. 

"You look down, Rebecca," said Oliver as he pulled in. 

(Thomas, the Welsh Bird Watcher and the Schoolchildren can be seen on the platform.) 

"Me? Oh, hehe! No, not at all, Oliver! I just...haven't got much to do today," she replied. 

"Well, you could help me out," suggested Oliver. 

"How?" asked Rebecca. 

"Toad and I need to take some passengers to Arlesburgh," said Oliver, "but we also have some empty trucks to take to the Clay Pits. Could you do that for me, please? I'm running a little behind." 

"Of course I can," said Rebecca excitedly. 

She had never been to the Clay Pits before and she knew that her friend, Marion worked there. 

Rebecca felt sure that seeing Marion would cheer her up. After all, it was Marion who had shown her what made her special. 

"Thank you, Rebecca. The trucks are at the Shunting Yards. Cheerio!" 

Oliver puffed cheerfully away. 

Rebecca collected the trucks and steamed away as fast as she could to reach the China Clay Pits. 

(Stafford and Charlie can be seen at the Yards.)

"Ooh, yay, me! I'm so excited to see Marion!" 

Soon, Rebecca arrived at the Clay Pits and was keen to see Marion. But when she looked around, Marion was nowhere to be seen. 

"Oh...I hope she isn't far away," said Rebecca nervously. 

Meanwhile, Marion was returning to the Clay Pits after doing some work on the Little Western. 

(She passes Mike at the Arlesburgh Junction. He looks keen to get away from her. One of the Slip Coaches can be seen in the station.) 

"Ooh, so much fun to dig and now to dig some more up at the Clay Pits once again! Oh, I do hope I find another dinosaur or another treasure chest, or ha! Maybe even a caveman skeleton!" 

But then there was trouble. 

As Marion was travelling back to the China Clay Pits, she swung her shovel in excitement and it hit a rock in an embankment alongside the tracks. 

Marion toppled off the rails and fell on her side. 

"Oh no!" she cried. 

Rebecca and Timothy were still waiting patiently for Marion to return, but she hadn't come back and this made Rebecca sad. 

"Maybe she's just too busy," she said. 

"I guess you may be right, I'm afraid," replied Timothy. 

"Well, I'd best get back and see if the Fat Controller has any more work for me to do." 

And Rebecca steamed sadly away. 

But on her way back to Knapford, she was shocked to see- 


"Oh, hehe, hello, Rebecca," said Marion meekly. 

"What happened?" 

"Oh, um, my shovel ran away with me, that's all." 

"I must fetch help," said Rebecca. 

"Please do," smiled Marion, "you are a very good friend, Rebecca." 

Rebecca smiled as she went to fetch Judy and Jerome. 

Oliver was surprised to see Rebecca rush through on his line. 

"What are you doing here, Rebecca? Did you deliver my trucks?" he asked. 

"Yes, Oliver, but I need to rescue Marion. She's fallen over!" 

She soon arrived at the harbour yards. 

"Emergency, you two!" she called. 




Rebecca coupled up to Judy and Jerome and pulled away as fast as she could to reach Marion. 

The Fat Controller was visiting the Little Western and saw Rebecca pulling the Breakdown Train along the line. 

"What's going on?" he wondered. 

"I can explain, sir," said Oliver, who explained everything. 

"I'd better go and see about this," said the Fat Controller. 

Rebecca, Judy and Jerome soon arrived at the scene of the accident, and Marion was very pleased to see them. 

"We've never rescued a steam shovel before," said Judy. 

"But it's going to be fun," added Jerome. 

"So long as I'm rescued at the end of it," giggled Marion. 

Rebecca giggled too just as the Fat Controller arrived to watch the rescue operation. He was glad to see that everything was under control. 

"Rebecca, I hear you have been a very kind friend to several of my engines today," he said. 

Rebecca smiled. 

"First, you helped Oliver make up for lost time by taking his trucks. And now, you've brought the Breakdown Train to rescue Marion. You are indeed a Really Useful Engine!" 

"Thank you, sir," said Rebecca happily. 

Soon, Judy and Jerome managed to lift Marion back onto the rails. She was very happy to be back on her wheels. 

"Thank you, Judy and Jerome! Oh, and thank YOU, Rebecca!" 

"I wanted to see you today because I felt left out with Gordon and Alice being so close since her arrival on Sodor," said Rebecca, "but I never thought I'd see you in this way!" 

The two friends laughed. 

"Oh, dear! I'm sorry if we made you feel that way!" 

It was Alice. She and Gordon had just pulled in. 

"I never meant to make you feel singled out, Rebecca," said Alice, "it's just that Giant Gordie and I have been catching up a lot! He even told me today of how you and he first met. How you made him feel better when his big brother teased him! I'd really love to be your friend too!" 

"So would I!" grinned Rebecca. 

Everybody cheered. 

Although Rebecca is now on much friendlier terms with Alice, she and Marion are still good friends too. And sometimes when she isn't as busy with the Express, Rebecca often finds time to visit her steam shovel friend at the Clay Pits. 

"Guess what's in my shovel!"

"Is it...dirt?" 

"Correct! Along with some rocks!" 


And they are both very happy!

(The End!)

Thomas and Friends Fanfiction Series 6Where stories live. Discover now