//Chapter 2//

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Percy Pov.

I groaned and weakly opened my eyes. I squinted wondering where I was. Then one image flashed in my mind. Ella's evil eyes. My eyes snapped open and I took in my surroundings. I was in...... my room? How? I slowly got up. I was still in my camp clothes. I walked out the door slowly. "Mom.....?" I said as I walked around. I heard some banging in the kitchen. A middle aged woman with brown hair tied up in a ponytail seemed to be cooking furiously going around the kitchen so fast it was astonishing.

"Mom!" I repeated.

She snapped around. "Percy?"


She ran to me and gave me a tight hug to rival Tyson's. I clutched it as if my life depended on it. It was a warm embrace and for the first time in a while I felt safe. Soon she let go. The empty feeling was back again. As if there wasn't enough warmth for me.

"Percy... What happened?" She asked softly her voice laced with concern. I then realized I must look horrible. She brushed some hair out of my face. "Honey, what's wrong?" That's when the dam broke. I started crying. Silent sobs. I felt so vulnerable, but I couldn't stop. She obviously did not expect this reaction and was frozen with shock for a second but quickly unfroze. She hugged me once again. Once I finished I wiped my eyes.

"I'm so- sorry" I managed to choke out.

"Percy. What happened?" she said again. I sighed and told her the story. By the end she was cursing worse than arion and calling Ella some not so nice names. "MOM! Keep it PG" She apologized. "Now what?" I asked her. That's the question that's been haunting me. Now what. What am I going to do with my life? I didn't have a girlfriend, didn't have a career, and I highly doubted I still had the free way to college in New Rome.

"I think you might want to finish your year of high school..." My mom said. Horrible mages flashed through my head. Detention, torture, and Mrs.Dodds. But since I couldn't think of anything else I slowly nodded. "

You might want to get some sleep since school starts tomorrow. I'll explain the situation to Paul so he won't ask any question tomorrow." My mom said.

I almost forgot about Paul! I was excited to see him tomorrow. He actually felt like my dad. Unlike somebody....... No. Don't say it. Don't think about it. I shook my head clearing my thoughts then looked at my mom gave a small smile, one more hug, muttered a thanks and went to my room. The Minute my head hit the pillow I passed out, and for the first time I had a dreamless sleep.

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