Chapter 2

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Mandie hurried in the direction Roger had went. She didn't know him that well but she knew he was hurting and need some one there. She search the landscape it look flat but it actually rolled she saw a large rock  and hurried over to it. She found Roger leaning against it starring down at his hands. She sat down gently beside him. he looked up at her she could see the tear marks. "Why did you come after me?" She give him a sad smile. "You looked like you need some to talk." He looked up at the sky. "I didn't even get to tell him good bye." She put her hand on his knee. "You can tell him now. Just look up there at the sky. He is up the some where looking down and smiling at you." Roger looked at her then back up at the sky. "Pa you and i didn't always get along but i want to say good bye and thank you for taking such good care of us." With that he rose and helped her up. He swipe at his face furiously. She reached up and stopped him. "You'll only make the redness worse by doing that." She spied a little pond over to their right and she pulled him over. He dipped his face in and rubbed it. "man that sure is cold." She laughed. "It should be it is Almost November."He rose started back towards the house when he realized she wasn't following. he turned to find her with her head bowed. He walked quietly back and stood behind her. "Dear lord i ask that you will heal Roger's broken heart lord. I know how he feels. I felt just like that when my father died. And lord please bless our marriage. Lord it might never be nothing but a marriage to protect the kids but lord please at least let us get along. I have a bad temper some times as you well know and i don't want to use it on Roger so help me lord, help us both Amen." She lifted her head and heard Roger deep voice behind her say. "Amen." She jump and whirled around. "how Long have you been there?" HE smiled. "Not very know lets go. I want to see the look on my brother face when tell him i am married." They started back towards the house. Right before they went in he turned to her. "Thank you Amanda." She smiled and nodded.

They walked into the house where Nate great them. "It was nice of you to make sure that Amanda and her siblings got out here," Roger laughed. "Nate i would like you to meet Mrs Amanda Stanton." Nate's face made both laugh. "What!?" Nate ask. "You marry that' impossible." Roger smiled. "Well i did." Nate smiled. "Come tell me the whole story. How long have you been married?" Mandie and Roger looked at each other.  "Um less then 2 hours." Amanda volunteered. Nate's mouth drop wide open. Roger walk pasted him and pushed it shut. "You always told me i'd let fly's in when i let me mouth hang up like that." Nate nodded dumbly and lead them to the living room. Roger held Mandie back and leaned close. "Listen Mandie i think it best that Nate and Lucy think we have a real marriage or they will never leave us alone. Go get the kids and lets find out how much of my proposal they heard." She quickly got the kids. "Kids i would like to know how much you heard before Mr Stanton ask me to marry him?" Jim and Sara answered at the same time. "We only heard you say yes Mandie honest." Sh smiled. "That all i wanted to know." Jim and Sara hurried back into the other room With Roger and Mandie right behind them. "So Nate tells me you got married less then 2 hours ago. You most have gotten married on the train!" Amanda nodded. "Yes I have always dreamed of being married on a train." Lucy smiled. "We was wondering if the kids might stay all night here with since well you know." Amanda glanced at Roger and started to speak when Roger cut in. "Yes i bet the kids would love to stay here tonight."  Nate smiled. "i add two rooms on to my old cabin it is quite large. Y'all are welcome to it." Roger smiled at Amanda. "Thank you we'll take you up on that, Now if you don't mind i think we'll go uh get settled in." Lucy gave them a understanding nodded. "Go right ahead we got the kid." Roger helped Amanda up and out the door they climbed in the wagon and waved to the kids. "We'll be back tomorrow." Amanda called to them. As they faded out of site Roger sighed. "Well  lets get going Mrs. Stanton." She gave him weak smile. Soon they reached the cabin. Amanda thought it was beautiful.She slowly walked inside. There was a good size kitchen a medeim sitting room. The sitting rooom had two rockers and a sofa in it. There was a loft with a bed and a bed room below that. That  left only one bedroom. A cold chill shot through her. They where going to have to share a room. She quickly went back to the kitchen before Roger came in with their stuff.  He sat the trunk down and went for the carpet bags. She opened the trunk and began carry stuff to their places. She had just reach the loft when Roger came back threw the door."Man the wind is turning chilly." He said rubbing his arms.  She smiled at him from where she was in the loft. "You can help me put the things away." He looked into the trunk and saw only womens cloths left. He drew back so fast his face redder then a beet, she almost laughed but quickly turned so he wouldn't see. He quickly opened the carpet bag and pulled out three quilts. "Where do you want these?" He called up to her. "Um give me the red one, put the pink on on Sara's bed and put the other on uh on the... bed in the last room." he gave her a puzzled look and set off to do what she ask. Soon he reliezed why she had blushed when she said the Last bed room. They where going to have to share this room. The very thought gave Roger a chill. Sure he had agreed to marry her in fact it had been his idea but share the same room? Then he noticed her standing behind him with a serious  look on her face. "We can bring the extra bed in  and i will sleep on the floor."  He frowned. "No we have to get use to it. We can share the big bed." He said yawning. She just nodded and turned she soon came back in a white night gown her black hair sprawled over her shoulders and crawled in the bed. Roger had diesappear. She closed her eyes and was almost asleep when he came in. She was faceing the wall so she kept her eyes close. She felt him slid into the bed. "Goodnight  Mandie." He whispered. She felt him touch her hair gently than pull his hand away.  She smiled to herself. "Well at least he is a sweet guy." In the middle of the night Roger woke. he felt something heavy leaning against him. He looked over to find mandie sound asleep against him. She looked beautiful lying there her black hair  sprawled every where. suddenly her eys opped open he quickly close his eye. he felt her move away from him and go back to sleep. 

The next morning Mandie woke to find Roger gone. She hurriedly got dressed and  to the kitchen. Roger was sure to be hungery when he came in. She quickly made some eggs and bacon which she found amung the few things in the root celler. When Roger came in she had every thing on the table. "i hope your hungery." She said with a smile He nodded and stiffed the air. "Smells good." She blushed and turned back to the stove. "SO can we go get the kids day?" He was silent for a moment. "I was thinking i could show you around the place. Before we went and got the kids." She sighed alittle but nodded. "ok." He could see her shoulders drop but she didn't say anything. He finished eating and stood. "Can you ride?" She turned to him. "Yes!" He almost laughing at her competive spirit but thought better of it. He went out side and saddle winter and Dusty She came out of the house dressed in a riding skirt and plaid shirt. He had to admit that she was quite beautiful.  he shook those thought from his head. She walked over to him. "Which ones going to be mine?" He handed her winter's reins. "Her name is winter." He watched a smile spread across Mandie's face. "She is beautiful!" She moved and swung up onto winters back and said. "Lets take a ride girl." She took off and circled the house. Roger watch her enjoy herself. Maybe this marrieage wouldn't be so bad after all. He swung up on his horse and started out across the land.She soon was riding along side him. "so your brother owns all this?" She ask. "No my father owned alot of it to." She frowned. "But who owns it now that he is dead?" Roger frowned her hadn't thought about that. "Why i don't know probaly my brother." She nodded and looked around. "It's beautiful land. It is like a dream." She closed her eyes and soaked in the chill air. "We better head back.' Roger final said It was almost noon. He saw a disspionted look cross her face but she obeyed him with out a word. When they reached his brother house. As soon as her feet hit the ground sara and jim where there hugging her. Roger saw how much they loved their sister. "Mandie we have been having so much fun." Sara exclaimed. Mandie  smiled. "I bet you have. Lets go see Nate and Lucy." Sara led them inside. "Uncle Nate Aunt Lucy Mandie and Roger are here."  Mandie was a bit taken back by the Aunt and Uncle thing but she followed Sara through the house. They found Nate and Lucy in the parlor. Lucy looked surprised to see them. "I at least thought you wouldn't be back till tomorrow." Mandie and Roger both blush though Roger tried to hide his. "W-well i was uh worried about" Mandie said queitly. "Oh honey the kids have been wonderful!" Lucy said with a smile.  "So would you all like some lunch? we where just sitting down." Roger smiled. "Yes please i am starving."  He held Mandie's chair for her than took a seat beside her. Lucy sat down a plate of sandwhiches down in front of each of them. "they look delicious Lucy." Mandie said with a smile. "Why thank you Mandie!" They ate the rest of lunch talking about the kids.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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