Anwsers from the man in the wheel chair.

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Ryōshi opened his eyes, again he was face with the inside of the same building that the old man was in. The fire still burning, the weapons still on the racks even the scythe that killed him. "Ah I see your back how was your day? You look great" A sarcastic voice turning around he looked into the eyes of the old man. Not understanding what he was saying he looked at himself an noticed he was bare as the day he was born. Covering himself the old man laughed and threw Ryōshi some clothes. The old man Laughing at the boy's embarrassment, grabbed a pair of hunters garb tossed it to him and turned around.

Hearing the noise of belt and zippers ending he turned around the image in front of him brought a smile and a frowning his face. It reminded him of the old days when he was a hunter and wasn't stuck to the chair. But the negatives out weighed the positives. The bumper of people he had to kill, the hunters, and worse losing his love.

Ryōshi body pulsed again, falling down the pain starting from his brain and heart flowed straight to his left hand. The symbol started glow a dull white. Gehrman expression changed from light hearted to a serious one. His eyes glued to the symbol that he knew like the back of his hand. Grabbing a sedative from off the desk and injecting it into the boy. Heavy breathing followed after the drug was administered.

"This didn't start happening to me till I met you. What did you do to me? And what was that" His voice filled with anger but ragged breathing made it seem he was more exhausted. The old man breathed then leaned forward in his chair opening his mouth to speak his voice was that of truth with a tone to instill fear into the listener. "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. Fear the old blood. That saying means that we as human are still beast of blood who crave blood in one way or another when our True nature is shown. The blood makes us human, makes us more than human, makes us human no more, that's another way to perceive it."

Ryōshi brain understood the beginning but the ending what did that mean. The man voice spoke again in the same manner. " The second part means that we don't see the consequences of our action and the impact they have. All that was caused by "The Old Blood". Blood of "The Great Ones" is  the blood of a being whose blood gives knowledge that's not comprehendible to the human or other mortal minds. People would put this blood into their veins for healing properties but it would cause them to go insane. You have that blood flop through you."

"So will that mean I will go insane plus the people I heal with my quirk?" Ryōshi was not worried for himself but others who he had affected. The old man thought for second with his hand resting on the chin of his body. "No I believe." His voice still in  the same manner. "Why but you just said it would?" Ryōshi's mind was in circles from he just heard. Taking his hand off his chin "Let me explain. The blood runs naturally in your veins, while the people who would go insane would get it in the form of a transfusion or injection you understand?" Nodding his head to show he understood the man " The only thing I don't know is that how do you have blood of the great ones, moon Presence symbol and hunters mark all rolled in one?"

As the old man finished his sentence, Ryōshi's body was staring to get covered in white fog. "You'll be waking up soon don't worry." Wanting to ask one more question before he left he rushed out his words before he disappears "What's your name you never told me?" The man smile and just responded with "you'll know soon." And with that he was gone with the fog

Lifting his eyes from there closed position. Bright white lights. Eyes adjusting to his surroundings noticing he was in hospital room and gown just wish he figured it out sooner by the tell tale lights. "Why must hospitals have bright lights, not regular one." An apparent groan came from his voice. His body felt soar all over, pain erupted every move he tried to do. Swinging his leg to the side of the bed, letting his toes touch the cool tile floor. Taking a quick breath in his nose and out his mouth "1,2,3" getting off the bed was a mistake he instantly regretted. Two signals went straight from the body to the brain. One of pain as it felt as though his body was jelly and on fire. The other of color shock as the tile was colder than he expected. A loud thump was made as his body hit the floor. The door clicked opened an a two pairs of feet tap across the ground in movement

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