Office of the interrogator.

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Ryōshi and Gehrman were sitting in the office of the President of UA. Both of their weapons we're taken. Gehrman was looked fine when it happened but the look in his eyes said something different. The emotion in his showed that of pain and lost, like if just lost a love one.

Hearing the door open then close with a soft shut, the white mouse bear walked around the two. The tension in the room increased as the hero Present Mic also joined the room. The bear got out a camera and a audio recording device from one of the draws of the dark oak desk. Pressing play on both with his white paw.

"Would both of you state your names and ages for the record. After that we would like to ask a few questions about today's events." His voice sounding calm was not the worry to Ryōshi. It was his mind, Mr.Nezu is one of the smartest people in earth. He could lay a trap question five questions ahead without you noticing it.

"My Name is Ryōshi Shūzenji age 16" his voice calm because he didn't want to show fear in front of his interrogator.

"I'm Gehrman, The First Hunter. and can I gets some water? Oh and age 1000 stopped counting after that" his voice was gruff and dry. To Ryōshi he sounded like an old man whose lived a hundred but a thousand dang.

The whole room's rose again after he said his age. "Probably not wanting to talk about age we'll avoid that and Present Mic get Mr.Gehrman here some water. First question are you the same man who gave Ryōshi his clothes and weapon and if so how did you get them there" The blonde nodded and walked out the room. "Now then, how did you get on UA grounds?" The man in the wheelchair chuckled "This might seem crazy to you but the boy summoned me. Though he did it subconsciously on accident."
When finished the sentence the blonde came back into the room with a bottle of water. Gehrman took a quick swig water from it. "Thank you, this helps a lot it may sound like I'm sick but it's just age." His voice sounded much better from dry desert to a sore throat like voice.

"And yes it was me who gave the boy that stuff. How I got them there, let's just say I some messengers drop it off." It was noticeable that Gehrman wanted them to know he was hiding something. "What is your occupation and quirk Mr.Gehrman?"the mouse bears voice stood firm not taking the bait

"My occupation is that I am a special hunter of sorts I may not look like it but I have taken down some difficult beast beyond your imagination. Quirk?, I don't understand what that means." The president's eyes went wide when he heard that. Someone his age not knowing of quirks is weird. "Quirk in a sense I what your powers are."

"If that's the case then my powers are mastery of any weapon, ok use of arcane. Not only that but a durable and extreme endurance. That if you want to put it mildly." His voice getting more serous very word he said like he was applying for a job

The president getting more confused by the second this man spoke "What is arcane?" The curiosity of his outweighed his frustration and confusion.

"Arcane is the ability to use the Hunter tools. If you want I can show you one that's not dangerous." Reaching into his heavy coat, he pulled out a small bell and placed it on the desk "That right there is any hunter's best friend. The Choir Bell, it has the ability to heal the person using it and their party with any injury as long as said injury hasn't been healed by the body. It works similarly to the boys quirk just not as powerful and it doesn't heal diseases" Grabbing the bell off the desk, he held it in his hands. giving everyone one last look at it before putting it in the pocket of his coat. Though before he put it back, he rang it.

The noise the bell made was a light calming chime. The silver surface now tarnished. But yet still rang like it was new. For each time the bounced from the bell, tensions that were once in the room vanished. As if they all hap woken up from a nap, new and refreshed.

"Interesting what that bell can do. Now how do you know Ryōshi? From my understanding he hasn't mentioned you before. But yet it seems you know him well care to explain." Leaning back with into his chair with hand folded on each other, the white mouse bear thought he had the man trapped. Subtly making the hunter tell the truth about himself.

Gehrman leaned forward, the tension that was gone had now returned but with a sorrowful tone. Gehrman's voice had reflected that and his voice from its ruff joking sound had faded. In it's lace was more of somber voice one that made you feel empathy because the sound touched your heart. "I can't talk about it with the lad here for I made a deal. With who I shan't say with him present. I can tell you without him here. I will talk one on one with you." Turing his head to face the teen. "Boy, can you leave us? I'll tell you when you can comeback in."

Ryōshi, knowing that the man next to him was not asking a question but a command even thought didn't sound like it. Nodding his head, he walked out the door with the blonde man. Waiting patiently till he was allowed back in.

Hearing the door closed Gehrman's eyes narrowed ears perking, seeing if the boy is trying to listen in. Hearing nothing against the door, he trusted the boy's honesty that he wouldn't ease drop. "Now like you asked, I know the Boy's the Father and his real Grandmother. They both asked me to watch over him. Any questions, you asked I answered"

The president of UA leaned forward, copying the same as the man in front of him. "Yes. When recovery girl was handed the records on the boy, it said his birth mother was a virgin and died during birth. Yet, she was a virgin. Her story was across the news. So tell me how did he get her pregnant with out penetrating her?"

The old man put down his hat and looked into the black eyes of the principal "His father is different from us in a whole other way. His way of reproduction is weird to say the least. To put it in simpler terms, think of it this way. You know how GOD didn't have sex with Mary but she still gave birth to Jesus as a virgin. It's like that. But his father is a god, but not in the way you think. That's all I'm allowed to say. Everything else you'll have to ask his relatives. That is, if they decide to show them selves."

The president stood up from the leather chair of his desk, his steps were fast for someone his size. Making his over to the hunter, he stood out on the side and put out his hand"Thank you Mr.Gehrman for the insight on Ryōshi's birth." Turning his chair, he had a look in his eye the words he said next shook the president to his core as he shook his hand. "Insight, that word I know so well. the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing. That what it means, but there is a dark side to it too. To look for more knowledge that peaks curiosity you have the chance to mad. And smart people like you are the first to mad."

Rolling over to the door, the president opened the door for him. His hand rested against shoulder " Class 1-A gonna new teacher since Mr.Aizawa is in the hospital. Would you like to teach."

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