The Beginning

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"So, you got a pen?" Jade asked. Alex looked around. "Aren't you the smart chick?" Alex asked. "Shut up before I break your other leg," Jade said tapping Alex's cast. "Ankle. He broke his ankle," I clarified. "But it feels like my leg," Alex replied. "Oh shut up you big baby," Krystal said. I stood up and walked over to Alex's side. "So, how long do you have to keep this thing on?" I asked. "Eight weeks," Alex sighed "Unfortunately" Jade stood up. She knew that the mood shifted. "Okay, so ah, why don't we go find Gino. Krystal, Adam," Jade said. Krystal sighed and stood up. "Whatever," She said. Adam walked over to me and rubbed my back. "I'll be right back kay?" "Sure," I said. I watched my new boyfriend (I loved saying that) Jade and Krystal walk out of the room and shut the door. "So, you and Adam huh?" Alex spoke. "Yeah I guess," I replied. Alex sat up a little. "Look, It might take me a little longer than everyone else, but I think I can be cool with you two," Alex said. "Thanks. It means a lot to me that my best friend is gonna try. I know it's weird," I said. It grew silent for a little while. Until Alex spoke up. "So, have you know?" Alex asked. "I don't know. Have we what Alex?" I asked innocently. "Oh shit man. Don't make me say it," Alex chuckled, nervously. Just then there was a knock at the door. "Yeah," Alex called out. Alex's doctor walked in along with his parents. "Hey Brandon," Alex's mom greeted me. "Hi Mrs. Rodriguez. Mr. Rodriguez," I replied. "Well Alex, how do you feel?" the doctor asked. "Well, if you consider the fact that I've been in complete and total agony-" "Oh you have not," I countered. "Is anything I tell you gonna get me out of school?" Alex asked. "Well there's a little bit of good news. You will get to stay home for a few days. But as I've told you before, you'll have to wear this cast for eight weeks," the doctor replied. "Longest eight weeks of my life, here I come," Alex sighed. Eight weeks. A lot can happen in eight weeks.


I felt good I have a new boyfriend, my best friend back and cool with me being gay. And there was no more Michelle, thank god. I had figured out that ultimately, she was the source of major problems. It was after all Michelle who started the wheels of doubt spinning. I hadn't really done anything "gay" so obviously she was just trying to pray on Alex and Adam's weak doubts. But now was now. Adam and her had broken up and Jade was as mad at her as I myself was, which meant there wasn't a reason on Earth I was ever gonna have to see her again. Adam opened a beer, took a swig, then stared at me. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Why does something have to be wrong?" I asked. "Come on. You were my best friend before you were my boyfriend. I know when somethings wrong with you," Adam replied. That was true. He knew me better than my parents did. "I was just thinking. There's not really a reason for us to associate with Michelle is there?" I asked as lightly as I could. Adam rustled around and stood up, walking over to my windowsill. "It's just that....I already told her we could be friends," "Adam!" "I'm sorry okay. I just don't think it would be practical to stay mad at her. After all while she was cheating on me with Ryan, I was wishing I could be with you," Adam replied. "Really?" I never knew that bit. I thought I was the one who wanted him badly. "Yeah but Adam. Michelle is such a spiteful person. I don't want to see her everyday knowing what she did to both of us," I replied. Adam walked over to me and put his arms around me. "Okay. Tell you what, how about tomorrow, we go to school, we don't see Michelle and we just...I don't know....start fresh. A new beginning for the both of us," I smiled and leaned in to kiss Adam. "Okay. As long as it's a good new beginning," I said. I didn't want something new to begin that would lead to another horrible end. As I finished saying that, Adam grew closer to my face. "Uhhh, what?" I asked, somewhat nervous. Adam just stared into my eyes as I stared back into his luscious green pools of wonder. "Well, we haven't really made things....official yet have we?" he asked. "What?" "You know...." "It's just....this is all happening so fast. Me being with you, Alex finding out about me....." "But happening fast in a good way right?" Adam asked. I, I knew that everything that was happening to me was a good thing. "Well...." Adam reached over to my chest and started caressing it slowly. "Adam..." "No one's here right..?" "Yeah......." "So..." I looked over at my open door. I didn't think twice about jumping up to shut and lock it, not wanting to take any chances, before practically jumping on top of Adam. We started kissing with a feverish lust that we both shared. One that I knew said that Adam wanted me right now as much as I wanted him. Adam's lips were warm. And smooth. Not chapped. And if it were even possible, they were better tasting than the first time I'd had them. I would have been content to just make out with Adam until my lips turned blue from lack of oxygen. But then there was this weird feeling at the part of my lips. I realized that it was Adam trying to slip his tongue into my mouth so I allowed it access. As Adam's tongue swirled around in my mouth, I started to lower my hand slowly towards his zipper so that I could unleash the member I had been dying to see, his what-im-sure-would-be-unbelievably-breathtaking-dick. Once I was sure Adam didn't care I was doing so, I began to undue his zipper further, until- "Wait...stop," Adam said suddenly, jumping up. "What,what?" I asked, almost upset. "We can't do," he replied. I stood up. "What?!" "It wouldn't be right. Call me a girl, call me a guy, but for you.....I want to wait until it's the right time." Right time? Any time I was hot and horny would be acceptably fine for me! But sadly, I was going to have to agree. "You're right....besides, it's not like anyone can't come home at any second," I replied. Adam gave me half smile before reaching down to redo his fly. Dammit! So fucking close!

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