The Perfect Couple

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I thought my life is gonna be easier once Adam and I became friends. But it turns out, it was a whole lot harder. Fights, secrets, lies, jealousy, and stunning revaluations were things I'd never been a part of previously. My life wasn't supposed to be some funky Passions or O.C. drama. This is real life. A real life soap opera.


Adam tried to get his gym bag from his locker. He wasn't really thinking straight. His life was a wreck. And there really wasn't anywhere to escape to or anyone he could turn to. "Fuck!" Adam shouted slamming his fist into his locker. Everyone around him stopped and stared. "What the hell do all of you want?" Adam asked rhetorically. "There's Adam. God, he looks so upset," I said watching Adam from Gino's locker. "Of course he's upset. He just found out his girlfriend has been cheating on him with his best friend," Gino said, eyeing Adam. "He hasn't talked to me in two days. I completely understand why too. It's just, I sorta miss him," i replied. I had to choose my words carefully around Gino. He was just as fragile as Adam when it came to me. "So go talk to him," Gino said, nudging my arm. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yeah. Look I know how close you two are. He needs you right now," Gino replied. I gave Gino one final glance before walking over to Adam. Gino sighed. "Too bad you'll never see me like that," he said to himself. I walked over to Adam, who I heard mumbling expletives to himself. His back was bent so that his head was sticking into his locker. Although somehow he still saw me because he said: "I shouldn't have even come to school today. They all know." "No, Adam, they don't. They cant," I replied. Adam lifted his head out of his locker and turned to look at everyone in the halls. "Look at em. Staring at me. Pointing. Saying I'm a fool for not seeing what you and apparently everyone else has seen all along," Adam replied. "Look, Adam I'm sorry we didn't tell you. But there's no way anybody else knows that-" "Hey Ventura. Heard Ryan's been fucking your girl. How'd you let that happen?" some jerk asked. "Hey suck my dick asshole!" Adam called out. Just then a group of girls walked up to Adam. "So Adam, I just want you to know...I mean, if you need anything....and I mean...anything....," one girl said placing her hand on Adam's chest. "you know where to find me." The girls giggled and walked off together. I looked at Adam. "Oh yeah, nobody knows huh?" Adam asked running his hands through his hair. "Have you talked to Michelle?" I asked. "What the hell am I gonna do that for? I saw with my own eyes what's been going on. I don't need to hear the details," Adam replied turning back to his locker. "Hey," Alex said. Gino turned around. "Hey," Gino replied. Alex looked over in the direction of Adam and Brandon. "So what do you think they're talking about?" Alex asked. Gino didn't know if he wanted to place more doubt in Alex's mind. After all he learned recently that if you wanted someone to believe something, you'd have to set it up so that they could see it for their own eyes. "What's it look like to you?" Gino asked. Alex crossed his arms. Just innocent chat, right? "I just, don't know how much longer I can take all of this. It's like everyone's rubbing it in my face. Maybe I should have moved-" "Hey, hey. Adam, don't talk like that," I said soothingly. Adam lowered his head slightly. "I'm glad you didn't move. Everyone is," I started. "And hey, you probably don't want to hear this, but Michelle.....she and Ryan probably would have know....even if you had." Adam looked me in the eyes. "You're right," he said. "I'm glad I have you here. You're the only person keeping me sane." Adam reached over to hug me. I hugged him back. Alex and Gino stood watching Brandon and Adam hug. "I don't believe this. They look so fucking gay!" Alex said. Gino smirked. "Hey, you said it, not me." Alex turned abruptly and walked away. Gino crossed his arms and continued to stare at Adam and Brandon. He couldn't have picked out a better timing if he tried to. Adam stopped hugging me. "Look I have to go to practice. I'll see you at lunch kay?" Adam said. Adam shut his locker and left. It felt good to know that I was helping the one true love in my life. I turned around to leave. Maybe things weren't as bad as I thought after all.

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