The lost king (wip)

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Hermitcraft/Kov fanfic


"Please, you can't leave me!" The little girl said to her older brother.

"I have to #(•" The wizard looked at her "I litterly own the empire! Someone has to lead them into this battle!"

She hugged him, tears falling down her cheeks. "P-Please, come back! Y-You're strong! S-So please... p-promos to c-come b-back!"

"Promise!" He said, "Here, take this!"

He took off the amulet their mom gave him before she passed, about 10 years ago, when he was about 5. His little sister, who is about 10 years old,looked at him in confusion.

"T-This is yo-" she got cut off by her brother, "Here. I want you to watch this, I'll get it back when I come back, ok?"

When she nodded he grabbed his staff as he left for battle, but he would never come back...

Or would he

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