The lost king

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Chapter 1

     Xenos was walking down the bloodied hallway, with a sick smirk.  They were all dead, she would reward him for taking care of them! Plus having a way to lure one of the last few watchers! He searched the palace one more time before coming to the conclusion that all the listeners were dead. Well, all but one. They decided to keep him because one of his friend, who was one of the few watchers left.

     He met up with two of his teammates, Dashlie and Drez. He didn't really like them.
They all left with the prisoner.  Although Xenos had a feeling there was one other listener left....


    It was a wonderful, sunny day when Grian woke up. His head was pounding, and the sunlight didn't help one bit. He flinched when he got up. Everything hurt! His left wing was broken, and he had this horrible headache.

      He walked around for a bit to find a deactivated nether portal. Confused, he walked around it. When it activated out of nowhere, he jumped back and hid behind the closest tree. Which wasn't that close. He heard the portal make a noise, which meant someone was coming.

    He heard voices and decided to peek around to see them. He saw a turtle man, but it looked like armor more than anything. He also saw a zombie girl with ripped up clothes and orange-red hair. (I honestly don't know what her hair color is :p) a simple guy with glasses and a blue shirt with an '@' symbol on it. A bearded man with a lab coat, and a smaller guy leaning on him with a hat.

    They all looked stronger than himself, so he contemplated introducing himself but decided against it. He came out of his thoughts to see the guy with glasses in front of him. He jumped back and hit his head on the wood behind him, it didn't help the headache at all, now it hurt even more.

"Oh, Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you! But, are you ok? You look hurt!" The guy had a weird accent.

Grian just groaned and looked up at him. The guy took something out of his pocket and typed away! He then sent whatever he typed and turned back to Grian.
"Well it seems the girls already, somehow, made a starter house! We should take care of that wing of yours!" All Grian could do is node before following, er well, more like stumbling, after him.
Grian then passed out. Leaving the man to have to pick him up, carefully, and bring him to the girls starter house.

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