Chapter 1: Just one Key

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(Author: HELLOO!!! Just a quick few things, all rights to characters go to Netflix and the creator and whoever else I need to mention that I don't know. I do not own the show this is just my twist on things. This also is not my first time publishing or even writing a fanfiction so if you got criticism, spill it on me. Improvement comes everyday and being told what I could improve on just helps me.

I'm sad to say characters like, Caleb, Nick, and Carrie aren't in this story as much of at all. Nick because Julie doesn't play in front of people immediately and that was the first time we really saw him interested. No Caleb because what we'll established adult wants to bother with teenagers? And no Carrie because, well, she just doesn't seem all that important to the story, just an annoyance.
So I hope you enjoy the story!)

"I just need to play. Just press a key. One single key. Any key will do! For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if I just punch the keys then it'll make a sound. Right?"

"Well, that sounds unnecessarily violent." FLYNN! Where has she been, I've been panicking for FIVE hours. "Help. I'm relying on science! Science!" Aunt Victoria would be so proud, and yet I'm so disappointed. I fold my hands together despite the gushing salty liquid springing from them. It keeps me centered, stops me from freaking much. "Just calm down, you'll do great." I hope so.

"Julie?" The teacher calls me from the classroom. "Are you ready? Last chance." I give a nod despite clearly not being ready. I walk past each seat, I can see mine back behind a '90s themed blonde. I knew that this day would come but I didn't think it would come so quickly. I should've prepared more, I should've practiced, I should've at least sat in front of a piano!

"Julie?" The teacher's voice brings me out of my trance. I look at my fingers. They hover above the keys but refuse to move, they refuse to become fists, they refuse to do anything! Just one little key, I beg of them. Of course, it doesn't work. "I'm sorry." The teacher gives an apologetic smile. I'm ready to go to my seat when a particular clap rings around the room. It's like a child taunting me with their song of joy and laughter, only cold and slow. Carrie. She always has something to say. I push the door of the classroom open. "Ow." It must've slapped somebody but I could care less.

I find myself on the steps with Flynn. She comforts me, she hugs me, but nothing works, nothing could make me feel better. "I'm alright now. I just need some space." She smiles and nods her head in understanding. Now I'm alone. I exhale. Like Aunt Victoria always says, I should just focus on my school. Yeah. Or not. I lower my head into my lap when I hear a branch snap. Did Flynn come back? I told her to leave, I can't let her see me like this I... "I didn't mean to intrude. Sorry."

"What?" I sit up and look behind me. Though my vision is blurred I can see the form of him. As he comes closer it's easier to see him till I can see him perfectly sitting next to me. He's wearing a loose sleeveless blue hoodie with a white shirt. It has some words on it but I still can't focus enough to read it. He has a smile on him though his hazel eyes look melted. He pushes back his bread colored locks and for a moment I question if I've met him.

"You're Julie... A sad Julie. But Julie."

"Do I know you?" My brow raises but I don't move. It's not odd knowing Carrie. She probably told him or something. He jumps back a bit but quickly recovers with a smile. I thought I was the one who was supposed to be creeped out. "I thought you were crying."

"And?" If it wasn't for the fact that he's cute I probably would've left by now. Cliche. But a girl can't help herself. "I'm not good at comforting crying girls. Or people crying in general." Or girls whatsoever, so it seems. I roll my eyes till they're deadlocked with his. A grin is growing on his face. And then he laughs. It takes a few moments for me to realize what's happening but when I do I can't help but smile too. "That wasn't even funny. I wouldn't even categorize that as corny." He holds his stomach and raises an arm. "It was too. Not stop doubting your humor."

"Okay, okay, uh..." My words stop, I was about to say something but I'm joking with a guy I don't even know the name of. "Luke." He says it as if he just read my mind. "Okay, Luke. I'm Julie." I reach out my hand for him to take. For a moment he just looks at it, then he takes it. His hand is rough and coarse, he must use them a lot, they're almost like how mine used to be. I shake my head and the thought disappears. I don't need any more reminders, I already have enough. "Nice to meet you, Julie."

"Nice to meet you too Luke."

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